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  • Publication
    Sibling and School Bullying Victimization and Its Relation With Children’s Subjective Well-Being in Indonesia: The Protective Role of Family and School Climate
    (2024) Borualogo, Ihsana Sabriani; Varela, Jorge; Tezanos-Pinto, Pablo de
    Studies on the influence of family and school climates on the relationships between sibling and school bullying victimization and children’s subjective well-being (SWB) in Indonesia are still scarce. The aims of this study are to investigate family and school climates as protective factors for children from the negative consequences of bullying by siblings or other children in school on SWB. The study used the third-wave data of the Children’s Worlds survey that was collected in Indonesia in October 2017. Participants of the study were children aged 10 and 12 years old (N = 15,604; 49.8% girls, 50.2% boys, Mean age = 10.55; SD = 1.17). There are four questionnaires used in the study: five items measure bullying at home and at school, the Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale, six items measure family climate, and four items measure school climate. Data were analyzed using R and the lavaan library for multilevel structural equation modeling, using full information maximum likelihood (FIML) for missing data and robust maximum likelihood (ML) estimation. Results showed that children who experienced bullying incidents, both at home by siblings and at school, predicted lower levels of SWB. School climate and family climate predicted higher levels of SWB. Results also showed that school bullying interacted significantly with school climate, while sibling bullying interacted significantly with family climate. Schools with students that reported more positive levels of family climate also reported higher levels of SWB. Students from public schools reported higher levels of SWB, which is unexpected.
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    Stigma toward people with mental disorders in mental healthcare in Chile
    (2024) Grandón, Pamela; Bustos, Claudio; Fernández, Dany; Félix Cova, Felix; Nazar, Gabriela; Díaz-Pérez, Gabriela; Monreal, Verónica; Méndez, Jaime
    Objective:This research aimed to determine the stigma toward people with mental illness among mental health personnel and identify individual, professional, and contextual predictors. Methods:A descriptive, cross-sectional, and correlational design was used. The sample consisted of 218 mental health personnel working in Outpatient Psychiatric Units belonging to hospitals and Community Mental Health Centers in Chile. Stigma was evaluated using a scale of humanized treatment, a scale of social distance, and a scale of attitudes in health personnel. In addition, sociodemographic and professional information was collected from mental health personnel and contextual information, particularly the type of outpatient mental health center and the technical-administrative unit that groups all the health centers in a territory. Results:It was found that mental health personnel, in general terms, present low levels of stigma expressed in behaviors of comfort and support toward users, a desire for closeness and social interaction, and reduced stigmatizing beliefs and attitudes of infantilization toward individuals with MHPs. However, intimacy and trust were lower than expected. Only educational levels and health centers were related to stigma. Conclusions:The low levels of stigma may be due to the evolution of this phenomenon and the country’s mental health policies.
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    Assessing the Teacher Emotions Scale in Chile: Does it relate to teachers’ well-being?
    (2024) Romo-Escudero, Francisca; Guzmán, Paulina; Helma Koomen; LoCasale-Crouch, Jennifer; Wyman, Ignacio; Varela, Jorge
    Teachers’ emotions connect significantly to well-being, classroom practices and student relationships, addressing a gap in research primarily focused on English-speaking contexts. This study aims to bridge this gap by validating a Spanish version of the Teacher Emotions Scale (TES) among Chilean educators and investigating its relationship with well-being. The study employed an online questionnaire encompassing demographic details, TES assessments and well-being evaluations. TES adopts a discrete emotion approach, distinguishing nuanced differences between Enjoyment, Anger and Anxiety. Well-being was gauged through both Psychological well-being and Burnout scales. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) involving 2,689 participants affirmed the internal validity of TES, favoring a three-factor model (Enjoyment, Anger, Anxiety). TES factors consistently exhibited statistical significance, with specific factors predicting distinct well-being aspects. This pioneering study introduces a robust quantitative measure for understanding teachers’ emotional experiences in Spanish-speaking educational contexts, contributing valuable insights into the interplay between emotions, well-being and effective teaching practices.
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    Psychometric Properties of the School Support Scale (SSS) for a Sample of Chilean Adolescents
    (2024) Chuecas, María Josefina; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Galdames, Alejandra; Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime; Ditzel, Ana Loreto
    This study assesses the psychometric properties of the School Support Scale (SSS), part of the CHKS’s Resilience Youth Development Module (RYDM; Furlong et al., 2009), among 231 sixth- and seventh-grade students in urban public schools in Chile. Results indicated satisfactory psychometric properties, replicating a unifactorial structure observed in prior research (Hanson & Kim, 2007), where items related to caring relationships and high expectations loaded onto a single factor, school support. Significant correlations were found with measures of life satisfaction and school-related affect. These findings underscore the scale’s utility in evaluating student perceptions of school support and highlight avenues for future research to enhance its applicability across diverse educational contexts.
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    Quality of mother-infant interaction, breastfeeding, and perinatal mental health
    (2024) Coo, Soledad; García Valdés, María Ignacia; Prieto, Fernanda
    Introduction: The quality of mother-infant interactions is crucial for child development. Studies show that breastfeeding contributes to maternal sensitivity and the development of a positive mother-infant bond. Maternal mental health difficulties negatively impact both maternal sensitivity and breastfeeding. Thus, it is unclear whether breastfeeding contributes to the quality of mother-infant interactions independent from mental health. The purpose of this study is to examine the contribution of exclusive breastfeeding at 3 months postpartum to the quality of the mother-infant relationship at 6 months postpartum, controlling for maternal mental health in acommunity sample of mothers in Chile. Materials and method: Eighty women completed self-report measures of mental health and breastfeeding during the third trimester of pregnancy and 3 and 6 months postpartum. At 6 months after childbirth, the mother-infant interaction was assessed by coding a free-play session between mothers and infants. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the contribution of breastfeeding practices and mental health to the quality of mother-infant interactions. Results: Exclusive breastfeeding at 3 months postpartum increased the likelihood of displaying positive mother-infant interactions controlling for maternal mental health. Mothers who continued to breastfeed at 6 months postpartum reported less symptoms of antenatal depression and anxiety and higher levels of sensitivity and cooperation towards their infants. Conclusion: Breastfeeding contributes to maternal sensitivity and cooperation even when controlling for maternal mental health. Implications for health practitioners and limitations due to the sample characteristics are discussed.
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    Online Intervention Targeting Postnatal Depression and Anxiety in Chilean First-Time Mothers: Feasibility Trial
    (2024) Coo, Soledad; García Valdés, María Ignacia; Pérez, J. Carola; Aldoney, Daniela; Olhaberry, Marcia; Fernández, Olga; Alamo, Nicolle; Franco, Pamela; Pérez, Francisca; Fernández, Sofía; Fisher, Jane; Rowe, Heather
    Objective: Internet-based interventions may positively impact maternal symptoms of postnatal depression and anxiety. This study assessed the feasibility, acceptability, perceived usefulness, and preliminary effectiveness of an m-Health version of “What Were We Thinking?” (m WWWT). Methods: A mixed-methods with a 2-arm randomized parallel design was used. From a total of 477 women, 157 met the inclusion criteria. 128 f irst-time mothers of full-term infants, aged 4–10weeks, who received health care at primary public health centers in Chile, were randomly assigned to the experimental (EG, n¼65) or control (CG, n¼63) groups; data of 104 of them (53 and 51, respectively) was analyzed. We used percentages and rates to measure feasibility outcomes and mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) and latent class analyses (LCA) to assess pre liminary effectiveness. Participants completed questionnaires on mental health, social support, and maternal self-efficacy upon recruitment and 3months after completing the intervention. For the qualitative component, 12 women from the EG were interviewed. Results: Quantitative results show good feasibility outcomes, such as high recruitment (82%), low attrition (EG ¼ 12% and CG¼17%), and high follow-up (EG ¼ 97% and CG¼91%) rates. Qualitative results indicate high acceptability and perceived usefulness of m-WWWT. Mixed ANOVA did not show significant differences between the groups (all p >.05). However, multinomial regression analysis in LCA showed that womenwithlow baseline symptoms of depression and anxiety benefit from the intervention (B¼0.43, 95% confidence interval 1.09–2.16). Conclusion: m-WWWT is feasible to be implemented in Chile; future studies are needed to assess the intervention’s effectiveness.
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    Comparing experience- and description-based economic preferences across 11 countries
    (2024) Anlló, Hernán; Bavard, Sophie; Benmarrakchi, Fatima Ezzhra; Bonagura, Darla; Cerrotti, Fabien; Cicue, Mirona; Gueguen, Maelle; Guzmán, Eugenio; Kadieva, Dzerassa; Kobayashi, Maiko; Lukumon, Gafari; Sartorio, Marco; Yang, Jiong; Zinchenko, Oksana; Bahrami, Bahador; Silva, Jaime; Hertz, Uri; Konova, Anna B.; Li, Jian; O'Madagain, Cathal; Navajas, Joaquin; Reyes M., Gabriel; Sarabi-Jamab, Atiye; Shestakova, Anna; Sukumaran, Bhasi; Watanabe, Katsumi; Palminteri, Stefano
    Recent evidence indicates that reward value encoding in humans is highly context dependent, leading to suboptimal decisions in some cases, but whether this computational constraint on valuation is a shared feature of human cognition remains unknown. Here we studied the behaviour of n = 561 individuals from 11 countries of markedly different socioeconomic and cultural makeup. Our findings show that context sensitivity was present in all 11 countries. Suboptimal decisions generated by context manipulation were not explained by risk aversion, as estimated through a separate description-based choice task (that is, lotteries) consisting of matched decision offers. Conversely, risk aversion significantly differed across countries. Overall, our findings suggest that context-dependent reward value encoding is a feature of human cognition that remains consistently present across different countries, as opposed to description-based decision-making, which is more permeable to cultural factors.
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    Resilience as a Modulating Factor of Empathy in Medical Students
    (2024) Acosta-Martínez, Adán A.; Sandoval, Mildred A.; Monterroza, Leida G.; Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy; Reyes-Reyes, Alejandro; Lindsey W. Vilca, Lindsey W.; Díaz Narváez, Víctor P.
    Introduction: Empathy is a complex and multidimensional attribute. Attempts have been made to explain empathic behavior based on other variables. Empirical evidence shows that empathy could be the product of the influence of several factors. One of these factors could be resilience. There is still no developed theory and consistent empirical evidence demonstrating that empathy depends on resilience. Objective: The aim of this study is to determine if resilience can predict empathic behavior. Methodology: This study is non experimental and ex post facto with a cross-sectional design. Variables. Dependent: Empathy; Independent: Resilience. Population: Medical students belonging to the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana (UNASA), Santa Ana, El Salvador (N=579). The sample (n=465) consisted of students (both sexes). Convenience sampling. Jefferson Scale of Empathy for Healthcare Professionals, student version (JSE-HPS). Trait Resilience Scale (EEA). A Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) model was used. Additionally, the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) (>0.95), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) (>0.95), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) (<0.08), and Standardized Root Mean Square (SRMR) (<0.08), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were employed. The significance level employed was α < 0.05. Results: All these results show that both measurement models (empathy and resilience) are adequately represented and are suitable for the structural model. Discussion: Individual resilience is a variable that can predict empathic behavior in medical students belonging to a Faculty of Health Sciences. The results constitute indirect empirical evidence that it is possible to define empathy as a dependent variable and resilience as an independent variable.
  • Publication
    ¿Cómo aprendimos en pandemia? Percepción de estudiantes universitarios chilenos
    (2024) Cabrera-Murcia, Elsa Piedad; Pizarro, Claudia; González-Sanzana, Alvaro; Oval-Soto, Carmen Paz; Villarroel-Henríquez, Verónica
    La pandemia del coronavirus desencadenó una serie de transformaciones en la forma de enseñar y de aprender en todos los niveles educativos. Si bien la enseñanza remota fue la estrategia utilizada para garantizar la continuidad de los aprendizajes en el mundo, no se ha desarrollado un cuerpo de conocimientos que permita comprender su implementación, considerando la perspectiva del aprendiz. Bajo tal consideración, esta investigación buscó determinar las variables que inciden en la percepción de estudiantes universitarios chilenos sobre su aprendizaje en pandemia, así como caracterizar barreras y facilitadores del proceso de aprendizaje en la educación remota. La metodología fue de corte mixto, basada en el análisis de una encuesta en formato online que contestaron 1677 estudiantes de 34 universidades chilenas (incluidas públicas y privadas, de regiones y de la capital). Los resultados señalan que la didáctica y la participación son variables predictoras de la percepción de aprendizaje en el estudiantado, y se presentan hallazgos que invitan a considerarlas como aspectos claves en el diseño e implementación de procesos de enseñanza remota.
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    Contextualizing the revised Patient Perception of Patient-Centeredness (PPPC-R) scale in primary healthcare settings: a validity and reliability evaluation study
    (2025) Cai, Yiyuan; Guo, Pengfei; Tu, Jiong; Hu, Mengyao; Liu, Lingrui; Ryan, Bridget L.; Liao, Jing; Dev, Rubee; Li, Yiran; Huang, Tianyu; Wang, Ruilin; Kuang, Li; Huang, Ruonan; Li, Xinfang; Melipillan, Edmundo Roberto; Zhao, Shuaixiang; He, Wenjun; Wang, Xiaohui; Zhang, Nan; Xu, Dong (Roman)
    Background An English version of the Patient Perception of Patient-Centeredness (PPPC) scale was recently revised, and it is necessary to test this instrument in different primary care populations. Aim This study aimed to assess the validity and reliability of a Chinese version of the PPPC scale. Design A mixed method was used in this study. The Delphi method was used to collect qualitative and quantitative data to address the content validity of the PPPC scale by calculating the Content Validity Index, Content Validity Ratio, the adjusted Kappa, and the Item Impact Score. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were used to assess the construct validity of the PPPC scale through a cross-sectional survey. The internal consistency was also assessed. Setting/participants In the Delphi consultation, seven experts were consulted through a questionnaire sent by email. The cross-sectional survey interviewed 188 outpatients in Guangzhou city and 108 outpatients in Hohhot City from community health service centers or stations face-to-face. Results The 21 items in the scale were relevant to their component. The Item-level Content Validity Index for each item was higher than 0.79, and the average Scale-level content validity index was 0.97 in each evaluation round. The initial proposed 4-factor CFA model did not fit adequately. Still, we found a 3-factor solution based on our EFA model and the validation via the CFA model (model fit: , P < 0.001, RMSEA = 0.044, CFI = 0.981; factor loadings: 0.553 to 0.888). Cronbach's α also indicated good internal consistency reliability: The overall Cronbach's α was 0.922, and the Cronbach's α for each factor was 0.851, 0.872, and 0.717, respectively. Conclusions The Chinese version of the PPPC scale provides a valuable tool for evaluating patient-centered medical service quality.
  • Publication
    Characterization of Psychopathology in Latin American Adolescents Using a Web-Based Screening Tool: Cross-Sectional Study
    (2024) Campos, Susana; Nuñez, Daniel; Pérez, J. Carola; Robinson, Jo
    Background: Mental health problems and suicide ideation are common in adolescents. Early detection of these issues could prevent the escalation of mental health-related symptoms in the long term. Moreover, characterizing different profiles of prevalent symptoms in conjunction with emotional regulation strategies could guide the design of specific interventions. The use of web-based screening (WBS) tools has been regarded as a suitable strategy to timely detect symptomatology while improving the appeal, cost, timeliness, and reach of detection in young populations. However, the evidence regarding the accuracy of these approaches is not fully conclusive. Objective: The study aims (1) to examine the capability of a WBS to identify adolescents with psychiatric symptoms and suicidality and (2) to characterize the mental health profiles of a large sample of adolescents using WBS. Methods: A total of 1599 Latin American Spanish-speaking adolescents (mean age 15.56, SD 1.34 years), consisting of 47.3% (n=753) female, 98.5% Chilean (n=1570), and 1.5% Venezuelan (n=24) participants, responded to a mental health WBS. A randomized subsample of participants also responded to the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents (MINI-KID). McNemar χ2 and receiver-operating characteristic curves tested the detection accuracy of WBS contrasted with the MINI-KID. Latent profile analyses explored the symptomatic and emotional regulation profiles of participants. Results: Both measures showed an adequate level of agreement (area under the curve per symptom domain ranging from 0.70 to 0.89); however, WBS yielded a higher prevalence than MINI-KID for all psychiatric symptoms, except suicide ideation and depression. Latent profile analyses yielded 4 profiles-one of them presented elevated psychopathological symptoms, constituting 11% of the sample (n=175). Rumination (odds ratio [OR] 130.15, 95% CI 51.75-439.89; P<.001), entrapment (OR 96.35, 95% CI 29.21-317.79; P<.001), and defeat (OR 156.79, 95% CI 50.45-487.23; P<.001) contributed significantly to the prediction of latent profile memberships, while cognitive reappraisal did not contribute to the prediction of any latent profile memberships, and expressive suppression was only associated to profile-2 membership. Conclusions: WBS is acceptable for the timely detection of adolescents at risk of mental health conditions. Findings from the symptomatic and emotional regulation profiles highlight the need for comprehensive assessments and differential interventions.
  • Publication
    Children's perceptions of their participation rights context when living in residential care and its relationship with their subjective well-being
    (2024) Casas, Ferran; Ditzel, Ana Loreto
    Background: Participation rights of children in residential care have not been frequently explored despite the positive effects of participation on their subjective well-being (SWB). Objective: To explore the relationship of six rights-related perceptions with the SWB of children and adolescents in residential care. Participants and setting: N = 268, 9–19-year-olds living in residential care. Methods: Five rights-related perceptions were analysed according to scores in two cognitive and two affective SWB scales, through descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Results: The more children feel adults at home and at school listen to them and take their say into account, the more they feel they are treated fairly by these adults, and the more they perceive adults in general in their country respect children’s rights, the higher are their observed SWB scores. The majority rights-related perceptions showed significant effects on positive SWB indicators. However, only they believe that adults in general in their country respect children’s rights displayed effects on Negative Affect. Girls’ SWB showed lower scores than boys’, and girls’ rights-related perceptions displayed more effects on their SWB than boys’. Conclusions: There are important percentages of children in residential care who do not feel they are able to participate in aspects of their own lives that directly affect them and their SWB. Children in residential care display lower scores in all the positive measures, especially girls and exceptionally higher scores in the negative affect than the overall Chilean children’s population.
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    Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) as a screening tool for cognitive impairment in early stages of psychosis
    (2024) Corral, Sebastian; Gaspar, Pablo A.; Castillo-Passi, Rolando; Mayol Troncoso, Rocío; Mundt, Adrian P.; Ignatyev, Yuriy; Nieto, Rodrigo R.; Figueroa-Muñoz, Alicia
    Background Cognitive alterations have been reported in early stages of psychosis including people with First Episode Psychosis (FEP), Clinical High-Risk Mental State (CHR), and Psychotic-Like Experience (PLE). This study aimed to compare the cognitive function in early stages of psychosis using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), a low-cost and brief assessment tool of cognitive functions. Methods A total of 154 individuals, including 35 with FEP, 38 CHR, 44 PLE, and 37 healthy controls (HC), were evaluated with the MoCA in Santiago, Chile. We calculated the mean total score of the MoCA and the standard deviation of the mean. Groups were assessed for a trend to lower scores in a pre-determined sequence (HC > PLE > CHR > FEP) using the Jonckheere-Terpstra test (TJT). Results The mean total MoCA scores were 24.8 ± 3.3 in FEP, 26.4 ± 2.4 in CHR, 26.4 ± 2.3 in PLE, and 27.2 ± 1.8 in HC. The analyses revealed a significant trend (p < 0.05) toward lower MoCA individual domain scores and MoCA total scores in the following order: HC > PLE > CHR > FEP. The mean total scores of all groups were above the cut-off for cognitive impairment (22 points). Conclusions The MoCA describes lower scores in cognition across early stages of psychosis and may be a useful low-cost assessment instrument in early intervention centers of poorly resourced settings.
  • Publication
    Levels of Empathy in Students and Professors with Patients in a Faculty of Dentistry
    (2024) Díaz-Narváez, Víctor P.; Huberman-Casas, Joyce; Nakouzi-Momares, Jorge Andrés; Alarcón-Ureta, Chris; Jaramillo-Cavieres, Patricio Alberto; Espinoza-Retamal, Maricarmen; Klahn-Acuña, Blanca Patricia; Epuyao-González, Leonardo; Leiton Carvajal, Gabriela; Padilla, Mariela; Vilca, Lindsay W.; Reyes-Reyes, Alejandro; Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy
    Background: Empathy is an attribute that plays an essential role in the dentist–patient therapeutic relationship, clinical care, and treatment adherence, along with providing other benefits. The main objective of this research was to establish the validity, reliability, and invariance of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy and then characterize the empathy levels of students and teachers at a dental school. Materials and Methods: An observational and cross-sectional study analyzed a sample of undergraduate students and professors from the Universidad Andrés Bello Faculty of Dentistry (Chile) (n = 1727 and n = 267, respectively). The Empathy Scale for Health Professionals (HP) and the same scale for students (HPS) were applied. Results: The Jefferson Empathy Scale presents adequate psychometric properties. The empathy measure has adequate reliability and construct validity, confirming a fit of the three-factor empathy model to the data. The measurement is invariant within the university campus, the sex of the student, and between teacher and student. Teachers present greater empathy than students except in the Perspective Adoption dimension. Conclusions: The Jefferson Empathy Scale is reliable, valid, and invariant among Chilean dental students and professors. Students do not differ from their professors in the cognitive component of empathy, but they present a lower score in the affective component and global empathy. It is inferred that students can develop the affective component of empathy in their interactions with their professors, increasing their overall empathy. Understanding and fostering empathy in dental students and professors can significantly improve patient care and treatment adherence and increase patient and dentist satisfaction.
  • Publication
    Explorando el bienestar estudiantil: El impacto de la percepción de autonomía en estudiantes de Psicología
    (2024) Cobo-Rendón, Rubia; López-Angulo, Yaranay; Sáez-Delgado, Fabiola; Mella-Norambuena, Javier
    El tránsito a la universidad implica en los estudiantes asumir una mayor autonomía en sus decisiones, roles y responsabilidades. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir los perfiles de bienestar en estudiantes universitarios de Psicología para evaluar la capacidad predictiva de la percepción de la autonomía en las dimensiones del bienestar en estudiantes universitarios de Psicología. Se empleó un diseño descriptivo, asociativo de tipo predictivo, con participación de 202 estudiantes (Mujeres=170; Hombres=32; edad M=19.0; DE=1.77). Los instrumentos empleados fueron el PERMA-Profiler para la evaluación del bienestar y el cuestionario de Autorregulación del Aprendizaje para la evaluación de la percepción de autonomía. Como resultado, sobre el 40% de los estudiantes reportaron de acuerdo con el baremo del PERMA-Profiler vivenciar alta frecuencia de emociones positivas, compromiso, relaciones positivas y propósito. Se identificaron correlaciones positivas y significativas entre las dimensiones del bienestar y la percepción de autonomía. El modelo de regresión evidenció que la autonomía explica el 11% del bienestar, F(1,201) = 26.194, P<0.01. Mayores niveles de autonomía del estudiante incrementarían su bienestar. En conclusión, los hallazgos encontrados respaldan los postulados de la Teoría de la Autodeterminación, sosteniendo que satisfacer las necesidades psicológicas fundamentales (autonomía, competencia y relaciones) conduce a un mayor bienestar.
  • Publication
    “How it is said”: Analyses of WhatsApp communications in a postpartum depression preventive intervention
    (2024) Fernández, Olga; Pérez, J. Carola; Alamo, Nicole; Fernández, Sofía; Franco, Pamela; Coo, Soledad; García Valdés, María Ignacia; Aravena, Marcela
    Introduction: “m-What Were We Thinking” (m-WWWT) is an m-health, intervention oriented to prevent symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety in first-time mothers. Mothers receive psychoeducation and socioemotional support through written communication via text-messaging (i.e., WhatsApp) with the program counsellor. Although the use of m-health interventions targeting mental health has increased, the form/style of communication through text messages between participants and program counsellors has been understudied. Objective: The aim was to describe the formal structure of the communication (Basic Forms) and the communicational intentions (Communicative Intentions) used in the messages sent by the counsellor and to determine if these are related to the post-intervention outcomes. Methods: 438 text messages sent by the counsellor to 53 first-time mothers (M = 25.32 years, SD = 4.23) who participated in the m-WWWT intervention were analyzed. The Therapeutic Activity Coding System was used to capture the communication as a “Communicative Action”. Results: The study highlighted the counsellor's frequent use of the “assertion” communicative form (82%) and attuned communicative intentions (52%) and explored (39%) in her messages. The attractors of communication were “assert to attune” and “assert to explore”, indicating an empathetic and informative communication style. With respect to their relationship with the intervention outcome, only “assert to explore” messages were positively related to maternal self-efficacy increases. The number of messages was not associated with participants’ characteristics at baseline, except for educational level. Discussion: Our results show the relevance of combining the delivery of information with a communication style that allows the counsellor to connect with the specific needs and emotional tone of the participants.
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    The Role of Cultural Heterogeneity in Strengthening the Link Between Family Relationships and Life Satisfaction in 50 Societies
    (2024) Wai Li, Liman Man; Miu-Chi Lun, Vivian; Harris Bond, Michael; Yeung, June Chun; Raymond Igou, Eric; Haas, Brian W.; Maricchiolo, Fridanna; Zelenski, John M.; Vauclair, Christin- Melanie; Uchida, Yukiko; Poláčková Šolcová, Iva; Sirlopú, David; Joonha Park, Joonha; Kosiarczyk, Aleksandra; Kocimska-Zych, Agata; Colin A. Capaldi, Colin A.; Adamovic, Mladen; Akotia, Charity S.; Albert, Isabelle; Appoh, Lily; Arevalo, Douglas; Baltin, Arno; Denoux, Patrick; Domínguez-Espinosa, Alejandra; Esteves, Carla Sofia; Gamsakhurdia, Vladimer; Fülöp, Márta; Garðarsdóttir, Ragna B.; Gavreliuc, Alin; Boer, Diana; Igbokwe,David O.; Işık, Idil; Kascakova, Natalia; Kračmárová, Lucie Kluzová; Kostoula, Olga; Kronberger, Nicole; Kwiatkowska, Anna; Lee, J. Hannah; Liu, Xinhui; Łużniak-Piecha, Magdalena
    We argue that the importance of family relationships for individual well-being varies across societies as a function of a society’s degree of cultural heterogeneity. To examine the role of family relationships, we analyzed the responses from 13,009 participants in 50 societies on their life satisfaction across societies varying in their levels of historical and contemporary cultural heterogeneity. Such heterogeneity creates differences in the frequency of interacting with unfamiliar groups, which leads families to become more central to their members’ satisfaction with life. Multi-level analyses showed that historical and contemporary cultural heterogeneity moderated the pattern such that greater historical or contemporary cultural heterogeneity of society promoted a stronger positive relation between family relationship satisfaction and individual life satisfaction. Our results also revealed that the moderating role of historical cultural heterogeneity was more reliable than that of contemporary cultural heterogeneity. These findings demonstrate the importance of societal demography in shaping people’s psychological processes in different historical periods, suggesting a universal, trans-historical cultural process.
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    Access to early diagnosis for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among children and adolescents in Mexico City at specialized mental health services
    (2024) Martínez-Jaime, María Magdalena; Reyes-Morales, Hortensia; Peyrot-Negrete, Ixchel; Barrientos-Alvarez, Mauricio
    Background In Mexico, this pioneering research was undertaken to assess the accessibility of timely diagnosis of Dyads [Children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their primary caregivers] at specialized mental health services. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase involved designing an “Access Pathway” aimed to identify barriers and facilitators for ADHD diagnosis; several barriers, with only the teacher being identified as a facilitator. In the second phase, the study aimed to determine the time taken for dyads, to obtain a timely diagnosis at each stage of the Access Pathway. As well as identify any disparities based on gender and socioeconomic factors that might affect the age at which children can access a timely diagnosis. Method In a retrospective cohort study, 177 dyads participated. To collect data, the Acceda Survey was used, based on the robust Conceptual Model Levesque, 2013. The survey consisted of 48 questions that were both dichotomous and polytomous allowing the creation of an Access Pathway that included five stages: the age of perception, the age of search, the age of first contact with a mental health professional, the age of arrival at the host hospital, and the age of diagnosis. The data was meticulously analyzed using a comprehensive descriptive approach and a nonparametric multivariate approach by sex, followed by post-hoc Mann-Whitney’s U tests. Demographic factors were evaluated using univariable and multivariable Cox regression analyses. Results 71% of dyads experienced a late, significantly late, or highly late diagnosis of ADHD. Girls were detected one year later than boys. Both boys and girls took a year to seek specialized mental health care and an additional year to receive a formal specialized diagnosis. Children with more siblings had longer delays in diagnosis, while caregivers with formal employment were found to help obtain timely diagnoses. Conclusions Our findings suggest starting the Access Pathway where signs and symptoms of ADHD are detected, particularly at school, to prevent children from suffering consequences. Mental health school-based service models have been successfully tested in other latitudes, making them a viable option to shorten the time to obtain a timely diagnosis.
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    Psychotherapy focusing on dialogical and narrative perspectives: a systematic review from qualitative and mixed-methods studies
    (2024) Mellado, Augusto; Río, María Teresa del; Andreucci Annunziata, Paola; Molina, Maria Elisa
    Introduction: This systematic review identified qualitative and mixed-methods empirical studies on psychotherapy from dialogical and narrative approaches, aiming to address the following questions: (1) How are subjectivity and intersubjectivity qualitatively understood in dialogical and/or narrative psychotherapies studied using dialogical and narrative approaches? (2) How do therapeutic changes occur, including their facilitators and barriers? (3) What psychotherapeutic resources are available for psychotherapists in these types of studies? Method: The articles were selected according to the Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and the eligibility criteria proposed by the PICOS strategy (participants, interventions, comparators, outcomes, and study design) from 163 records identified in the Web of Science Core Collection databases. Results: The systematic review process allowed the selection of 16 articles. The results provided insights into the understanding of subjectivity, intersubjectivity, change in psychotherapy, its facilitators, and barriers from these perspectives. It also offered some therapeutic interventions that can be implemented in psychotherapies, integrating dialogical and/or narrative aspects. Discussion: The centrality of dialogical exploration of patient/client resources, therapists as interlocutors fostering client agency, polyphony serving as scaffolding for change, and interconnection with the sociocultural environment are discussed. The integration of this latter topic has been a challenge for these types of studies, considering the active construction of shared meanings. The dialogical and narrative approaches focus psychotherapy on transforming meanings through dialogue and re-authoring stories, evolving within cultural and historical contexts. Thus, this study highlights the relevance of these perspectives in contemporary psychotherapy, emphasizing dialogue in co-creation within an intersubjective framework.
  • Publication
    Participación Comunitaria en Sistemas y Programas de Apoyo al Desarrollo Infantil: una Revisión Sistemática de Literatura
    (2024) Quiroz Saavedra, Rodrigo; Riesco Muñoz, Ximena
    En la última década, las políticas y programas en primera infancia a nivel internacional han otorgado un lugar central a la participación comunitaria, sin embargo, aún se conoce poco sobre la forma en que esta ocurre y qué cambios consigue. Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar evidencia sobre participación comunitaria en sistemas, programas y servicios de apoyo al desarrollo infantil y sus efectos en los participantes a través de una revisión sistemática de literatura científica y gris. Los hallazgos muestran la presencia de diversas categorías de participantes al interior de la comunidad, la adopción de estrategias de participación predominantemente conducidas por organizaciones externas a la comunidad y la ocurrencia de efectos principalmente positivos asociados a la participación comunitaria. La discusión aborda la introducción de nuevas dimensiones analíticas para entender los procesos de participación, la importancia de fomentar la influencia de la comunidad en los programas y la necesidad de considerar las condiciones que favorecen una participación efectiva. Se ofrece información valiosa a los tomadores de decisiones, investigadores y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que buscan formular, implementar y estudiar políticas, programas y servicios destinados a la primera infancia basados en la participación de la comunidad.