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Educación Sexual Masculina en Chile: Una Necesidad Urgente
(2025) Muñoz, Valentina; Tamborino, Bruna; González, Fernanda
La escasa educación sexual masculina en Chile es un gran problema. Generalmente los jóvenes varones no son considerados en conversaciones sobre educación sexual, ya que están centradas en la reproducción. Esta falta de herramientas deja a los adolescentes hombres sin la capacidad de abordar su sexualidad de manera responsable y saludable, lo que conduce a comportamientos peligrosos, tales como recurrir a la pornografía en busca de información, actuar según las imposiciones sociales, entre otras. Además, se resalta la poca capacitación del personal de salud sexual para tratar a los jóvenes varones.
The lack of male sex education in Chile is a major problem. Young men are generally not considered in conversations about sex education, as they are focused on reproduction. This lack of tools leaves adolescent men without the ability to approach their sexuality in a responsible and healthy way, which leads to dangerous behaviors, such as turning to pornography for information, acting according to social impositions, among others. In addition, the lack of training of sexual health personnel to treat young men is highlighted. Key words: Sex education;Sexuality; Contraception, male.
Estudio de familia: análisis clínico de caso en persona mayor diagnosticada con pie Diabético desde el enfoque de salud mental
(2025) Dinamarca, Josefa
Introducción: El presente estudio de familia aborda los principales problemas de salud de una persona mayor de iniciales CQJ, de 67 años, destacando su estado de salud mental, con ideación suicida verbalizada, una red de apoyo limitada y una lesión por presión en el talón derecho. El caso clínico se introduce con una descripción del propósito del estudio y se presenta una valoración familiar para analizar el entorno social y emocional del caso índice. Objetivo: Analizar el problema principal de salud del caso índice para diseñar estrategias e intervenciones en conjunto con el equipo multidisciplinario. Metodología: Se realizó un proceso de atención de enfermería para abordar las problemáticas identificadas, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con la salud mental. Las herramientas utilizadas incluyeron un genograma, clasificación familiar y un ecomapa para recopilar y analizar información relevante. Resultados: Se formularon dos diagnósticos de enfermería prioritarios relacionados con la salud mental y el estado físico, implementando intervenciones específicas dirigidas al caso índice CQJ. Discusión: Se analizaron los aspectos más relevantes del caso, destacando las actividades e intervenciones diseñadas para abordar los diagnósticos prioritarios, con énfasis en una atención integral que abarca la salud mental y física de la persona mayor. Conclusión: El estudio resalta la importancia de la atención oportuna en personas mayores, particularmente en lo relacionado con la salud mental, e identifica nuevos temas relevantes para futuras investigaciones en Chile.
Introduction: The present family study addresses the main health problems of an elderly person, initials CQJ, aged 67 years, highlighting her mental health status, with verbalized suicidal ideation, a limited support network, and a pressure injury to the right heel. The clinical case is introduced with a description of the purpose of the study and a family assessment is presented to analyze the social and emotional environment of the index case. Objective: To analyze the main health problem of the index case in order to design strategies and interventions together with the multidisciplinary team. Methodology: A nursing care process was carried out to address the problems identified, especially those related to mental health. The tools used included a genogram, family classification and an ecomap to collect and analyze relevant information. Results: Two priority nursing diagnoses related to mental health and physical condition were formulated, implementing specific interventions directed to the index case CQJ. Discussion: The most relevant aspects of the case were analyzed, highlighting the activities and interventions designed to address the priority diagnoses, with emphasis on comprehensive care that encompasses the mental and physical health of the elderly person. Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of timely care for the elderly, particularly in relation to mental health, and identifies new relevant topics for future research in Chile
Análisis epidemiológico: tasa de egreso hospitalario por accidentes de tránsito en Chile, en el periodo 2002-2019
(2025) Santander, Joaquín; Martínez, Diego; Flores, Rodrigo; Riquelme, Nicolás; Ribao, José; Behne, Alejandra
Introducción: Los accidentes de tránsito son un problema de salud pública de gran magnitud que en general son prevenibles. Objetivo: Describir la tasa de egresos hospitalarios por accidentes de tránsito en el periodo 2002-2019 en Chile. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo tipo ecológico longitudinal retrospectivo. A partir de datos del Departamento de Estadísticas e Información en Salud e Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Chile se realizó análisis descriptivo de tasa de egresos hospitalarios por accidentes de tránsito en la vía pública entre 2002-2019 en Chile según tiempo, sexo, edad y regiones. Resultados: Se estudiaron un total de 224.088 casos en el periodo, determinando una tasa de egresos hospitalarios de 72,5 casos por 100.000 habitantes. Se registraron las tasas más elevadas en el año 2005, predominio en sexo masculino, pacientes entre 20 - 34 años y dentro de la Región Metropolitana. Discusión: Existe una disminución de tasa de egresos hospitalarios durante el periodo estudiado, el que podría atribuirse a los cambios en medidas gubernamentales y leyes de seguridad vial. Los principales afectados fueron hombres jóvenes (20 - 34 años), relacionado con menor concientización de conductas de riesgo. Se concentró en regiones con mayor densidad poblacional como la Región Metropolitana. Conclusión: Los accidentes de tránsito en Chile respetan patrones internacionales, se observa un predominio en población masculina joven, y en áreas con mayor densidad poblacional.
Introduction: Traffic accidents are a significant public health problem that is generally preventable. Objective: To describe the rate of hospital discharges due to traffic accidents during the period 2002-2019 in Chile. Methodology: A descriptive observational study of a longitudinal ecological type was conducted. Using data from the Department of Statistics and Health Information and the National Institute of Statistics of Chile, a descriptive analysis of rate of hospital discharges due to traffic accidents on public roads between 2002-2019 in Chile was performed, focusing on time, sex, age, and regions. Results: A total of 224.088 cases were studied during the period, resulting in a rate of hospital discharges of 72,5 cases per 100.000 inhabitants. The highest rates were recorded in 2005, with a predominance in the male sex, patients aged 20-34 years, and within the Metropolitan Region. Discussion: There is a decrease in rate of hospital discharges during the studied period, which could be attributed to changes in government measures and road safety laws. The main affected group was young men (20-34 years old), related to a lower awareness of risky behaviors, concentrated in regions with higher population density, such as the Metropolitan Region. Conclusion: Traffic accidents in Chile follow international patterns, showing a predominance in young male populations and in areas with higher population density.
Análisis de la efectividad de limpiadores protésicos en la remoción de Candida albicans presente en prótesis total superior
(2025) González, Paulina; Abarzúa, Kiara; Correa, Nestor
Introducción: Chile tiene una alta prevalencia de desdentamiento total, por lo que es importante la implementación de tratamientos rehabilitadores como las prótesis removibles. Es indispensable la limpieza de estos aparatos, ya que pueden constituir un reservorio para la multiplicación de distintos microorganismos como Cándida spp. Para ello, existen diversos métodos de limpieza, entre los cuales se encuentran el uso de detergente, dilución de cloro en agua, colutorio de clorhexidina, pasta dental y tabletas limpiadoras específicas para prótesis. Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad de los distintos limpiadores en la eliminación, in vitro, de Cándida albicans sobre prótesis totales superiores. Metodología: Estudio experimental in vitro de tipo cuantitativo, en el que 16 placas acrílicas fueron elaboradas para comparar la efectividad de distintos limpiadores protésicos, sumergidas en 0,5MF de Cándida albicans, para posteriormente medir la cantidad de UFC/mL de Cándida albicans presentes, antes y después del lavado. Resultados: El uso de colutorio de clorhexidina al 0,12%, pasta dental y cloro diluido en agua demostraron tener una diferencia significativa al ser comparados con el control en la remoción de Cándida albicans, a diferencia de las tabletas limpiadoras y detergente lavalozas. Discusión: El estudio demostró una eliminación significativa de Cándida albicans con todos los limpiadores, sin embargo, se debe considerar que algunos, como la pasta dental y el cloro, pueden generar un daño a la prótesis si se usan diariamente. Conclusión: Existen diferencias significativas en la remoción de Cándida albicans, entre los distintos limpiadores comparados en este estudio.
Introduction: Chile has a high prevalence of total edentulism, making it important to implement rehabilitative treatments such as removable prosthesis. It is indispensable to clean these devices since they can constitute a reservoir for the multiplication of different microorganisms such as Candida spp. To achieve this, there are multiple cleaning methods among which are the use of detergents, dilution of Chlorine in water, Chlorhexidine mouthwash, toothpaste, and specific cleaning tablets for prosthesis. Objective: To compare the effectiveness of different cleaners in the, in vitro, removal of Candida albicans on upper total dentures. Methodology: This is a quantitative in vitro experimental study. 16 acrylic plates were elaborated to compare the effectiveness of different prosthetic cleaners, immersed in 0,5MF of Candida albicans, measuring the amount of CFU/mL of Candida albicans present, before and after washing. Results: The use of Chlorhexidine 0,12% mouthwash, toothpaste and Chlorine diluted in water proved to have a significant difference when compared to control group, cleaning tablets and dish soap. Discussion: The study demonstrated a significative removal of Cándida albicans with each cleaner; however, it should be considered that some, such as toothpaste and Chlorine, can cause damage to the prosthesis if used daily. Conclusion: There are significant differences in the removal of Candida albicans among the various cleaners compared in this study.
The political business cycle of tax reforms
(2024) Rossel, Lucia; Huysmans, Martijn; Ferwerda, Joras
A political business cycle (PBC), with governments adjusting and timing economic policy for electoral gains, has long been hypothesized. A lack of data has so far limited testing of this phenomenon for government policies as opposed to fiscal outcomes such as tax revenue or government deficit, especially at the national level. We use new monthly data on tax reform announcements for a set of 22 democracies, 1988–2014, to test the PBC hypothesis for taxation. In addition to the traditional electoral strategy formulation of the PBC, we also put forward and test a capacity version of the PBC. We find evidence for the capacity version but not the traditional version of the PBC: tax reforms are less likely to be announced before elections and more likely after elections, independently of whether they
are increases or decreases. Our evidence suggests that while a PBC exists, it may be less driven by strategic electioneering and more innocuous than previously assumed.
Vaccine effectiveness in reducing COVID-19-related hospitalization after a risk-age-based mass vaccination program in a Chilean municipality: A comparison of observational study designs
(2024) Urquidi, Cinthya; Sepúlveda-Peñaloza, Alejandro; Valenzuela, María T.; Ponce, Alexander; Menares, Verónica; Cortes, Claudia P.; Benítez, Rosana; Santelices, Emilio; Anfossi, Renato; Moller, Andrea; Santolaya, María E.
Background: Case–control studies involving test-negative (TN) and syndrome-negative (SN) controls are reliable for evaluating influenza and rotavirus vaccine effectiveness (VE) during a random vaccination process. However, there is no empirical evidence regarding the impact in real-world mass vaccination campaigns against SARS-CoV-2 using TN and SN controls.
Objective: To compare in the same population the effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on COVID-19-related
hospitalization rates across a cohort design, TN and SN designs.
Method: We conducted an unmatched population-based cohort, TN and SN case–control designs linking data from four data sources (public primary healthcare system, hospitalization registers, epidemiological surveillance
systems and the national immunization program) in a Chilean municipality (Rancagua) between March 1, 2021 and August 31, 2021. The outcome was COVID-19-related hospitalization. To ensure sufficient sample size in the
unexposed group, completion of follow-up in the cohort design, and sufficient time between vaccination and hospitalization in the case–control design, VE was estimated comparing 8-week periods for each individual.
Results: Among the 191,505 individuals registered in the primary healthcare system of Rancagua in Chile on March 1, 2021; 116,453 met the cohort study’s inclusion criteria. Of the 9,471 hospitalizations registered during
the study period in the same place, 526 were COVID-19 cases, 108 were TN controls, and 1,628 were SN controls.
For any vaccine product, the age- and sex-adjusted vaccine effectiveness comparing fully and nonvaccinated individuals was 67.2 (55.7–76.3) in the cohort design, whereas it was 67.8 (44.1–81.4) and 77.9 (70.2–83.8) in
the TN and SN control designs, respectively.
Conclusion: The VE of a COVID-19 vaccination program based on age and risk groups tended to differ across the three observational study designs. The SN case-control design may be an efficient option for evaluating COVID-
19 VE in real-world settings.
Impact of urban facilities spatial inequality on sustainable travel mode
(2024) Urrutia-Mosquera, Jorge; Flórez-Calderón, Luz; Cortés, Yasna; Troncoso, Rodrigo; Lufin, Marcelo
With the implementation of sustainable development objectives in developing countries, urban planning, land use regulation, and urban mobility policies are expected to help reduce inequalities in access to urban facilities. Urban transport policies are also expected to encourage travel by non-motorised modes and public transport. These are considered to be the sustainable modes of urban transport. In this paper, we investigate how inequality of urban facilities impacts trips made by sustainable modes in the city of Santiago de Chile. We use aPoisson regression model and its geographical extension, the geographically
weighted Poisson regression model (GWPR). The results suggest that the inequality of urban facilities impacts trips made by sustainable modes. The variables with the highest relevance are the spatial distribution of mixed land use, the spatial distribution of urban services related to transport infrastructure, primary and secondary education, as well as the spatial distribution of demographic variables related to people’s life cycle.
El futuro tecnológico de la salud, convergencia de tres dimensiones clave
(2024) Contreras Guitérrez, Jorge
The parietal cortex has a causal role in ambiguity computations in humans
(2024) Valdebenito-Oyarzo, Gabriela; Martínez-Molina, María Paz; Soto-Icaza, Patricia; Zamorano, Francisco; Figueroa-Vargas, Alejandra; Larraín-Valenzuela, Josefina; Stecher, Ximena; Salinas, César; Bastin, Julien; Valero-Cabré, Antoni; Polania, Rafael; Billeke, Pablo
Humans often face the challenge of making decisions between ambiguous options. The level of ambiguity in decision-making has been linked to activity in the parietal cortex, but its exact computational role remains elusive. To test the hypothesis that the parietal cortex plays a causal role in computing ambiguous probabilities, we conducted consecutive fMRI and TMS-EEG studies. We found that participants assigned unknown probabilities to objective probabilities, elevating the uncertainty of their decisions. Parietal cortex activity correlated with the objective degree of ambiguity and with a process that underestimates the uncertainty during decision-making. Conversely, the midcingulate cortex (MCC) encodes prediction errors and increases its connectivity with the parietal cortex during outcome processing. Disruption of the parietal activity increased the uncertainty evaluation of the options, decreasing cingulate cortex oscillations during outcome evaluation and lateral frontal oscillations related to value ambiguous probability. These results provide evidence for a causal role of the parietal cortex in computing uncertainty during ambiguous decisions made by humans.
Leadership Development in Women STEM Students: The Interplay of Task Behaviors, Self-Efficacy, and University Training
(2024) Coluccio, Giuliani; Muñoz-Herrera, Sebastián; Adriasola, Elisa; Escobar, Elizabeth
This study explores the relationship between task-oriented behaviors, self-efficacy, and leadership emergence in women STEM students, grounded in the context of prototypical leadership theory and self-efficacy theory. Prototypical leadership theory emphasizes the alignment of leadership behaviors with group expectations, which, in STEM fields, are often task-oriented. The research examines how task-oriented behaviors, such as planning, decision-making, and supervision, influence women’s self-perception of leadership ability and their subsequent emergence as leaders. Our results show a positive relationship between task-oriented behaviors and self-efficacy and a positive relationship between self-efficacy with leader emergence, with academic experience further ngthening this link. As students’ progress through their programs, engaging in more teamwork and leadership tasks, their self-efficacy enhances, leading to stronger leadership emergence. Also, we found an indirect effect from task-oriented behavior to leader emergence via self-efficacy. These findings have significant implications for fostering leadership in women, particularly in STEM. The study calls for educational programs to enhance opportunities for women to develop these behaviors early on, ensuring their growth into leadership roles in STEM fields
Comparación de la Técnica de Socket Shield y el Protocolo Convencional de Implante Inmediato para la Rehabilitación de Dientes Anteriores: Análisis Crítico de una Revisión Sistemática
(2024) Valenzuela, Daniela; Jofré J., Jorge; Asenjo-Lobos, Claudia
The Socket Shield Technique (SST), a procedure utilized in dental implantology, entails retaining a section of the natural tooth root (the socket shield) in place when an adjacent tooth is extracted, and an implant is placed in the same area. While the technique presents certain advantages, numerous investigations into SST lack of well-designed prospective randomized clinical trials at long term, compromising the credibility and reliability of their findings. The objective
of this study was to critically appraise and grade the level of evidence of a systematic review that compare the SST with the conventional immediate implant protocol (CIIP) for anterior tooth rehabilitation. A recent systematic review was appraised to assess the quality and consistency of the study findings. This assessment utilized the Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT) to facilitate the application of research results to clinical practice decision-making. The assessment of the quality and reliability of the systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that the evidence obtained from the study was graded
with a strength of recommendation B and a level of evidence 2. SST seems to be a feasible procedure. However, there is insufficient evidence to recommend this technique as an alternative to CIIP in daily practice. Evidence from long-term studies with proper methodology and an adequate sample size is needed to support socket shield technique as an alternative treatment to the conventional immediate implant protocol.
Study of the Suitability of a Personal Exposure Monitor to Assess Air Quality
(2024) Aljofi, Halah E.; Bannan, Thomas J.; Flynn, Michael; Evans, James; Topping, David; Matthews, Emily; Diez, Sebastian; Edwards, Pete; Coe, Hugh; Brison, Daniel R.; Tongeren, Martie van; Johnstone, Edward D.; Povey, Andrew
Low-cost personal exposure monitors (PEMs) to measure personal exposure to air pollution are potentially promising tools for health research. However, their adoption requires robust validation. This study evaluated the performance of twenty-one Plume Lab Flow2s (PLFs) by comparing its air pollutant measurements, particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 μm or less (PM2.5), 10 μm or less (PM10), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), against several high-quality air pollution monitors under field conditions (at indoor, outdoor, and roadside locations). Correlation and regression analysis were used to evaluate measurements obtained by different PLFs against reference instrumentation. For all measured pollutants, the overall correlation coefficient between the PLFs and the reference instruments was often weak (r < 0.4). Moderate correlation was observed for one PLF unit at the indoor location and two units at the roadside location when measuring PM2.5, but not for PM10 and NO2 concentration. During periods of particularly higher pollution, 11 PLF tools showed stronger regression results (R2 values > 0.5) with one-hour and 9 PLF units with one-minute time interval. Results show that the PLF cannot be used robustly to determine high and low exposure to poor air. Therefore, the use of PLFs in research studies should be approached with caution if data quality is important to the research outputs.
PolicySphere: espacio de Reflexión y Formación en Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales
(Universidad del Desarrollo. Centro de Innovación Docente, 2024) Lee, Yun-Tso; Sims, Juan Pablo
El proyecto PolicySphere buscó fortalecer las habilidades de análisis y redacción en ciencia política mediante la elaboración de policy briefs, integrando inteligencia artificial generativa. Se implementó en la carrera de Ciencia Política y Políticas Públicas, combinando enseñanza tradicional con el uso de IA. Los resultados evidenciaron mejoras en la calidad de los trabajos, pero también la necesidad de un uso crítico de la tecnología. Este enfoque innovador destacó la importancia de equilibrar herramientas digitales con supervisión y criterio humano.
Transcriptome Data Analysis Applied to Grapevine Growth Stage Identification
(2024) Altimiras, Francisco; Pavéz, Leonardo; Pourreza, Alireza; Yañez, Osvaldo; González-Rodríguez, Lisdelys; García, José; Galaz, Claudio; Leiva-Araos, Andres; Allende-Cid, Héctor
In agricultural production, it is fundamental to characterize the phenological stage of plants to ensure a good evaluation of the development, growth and health of crops. Phenological characterization allows for the early detection of nutritional deficiencies in plants that diminish the growth and productive yield and drastically affect the quality of their fruits. Currently, the phenological estimation of development in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is carried out using four different schemes: Baillod and Baggiolini, Extended BBCH, Eichhorn and Lorenz, and Modified E-L. Phenological estimation requires the exhaustive evaluation of crops, which makes it intensive in terms of labor, personnel, and the time required for its application. In this work, we propose a new phenological classification based on transcriptional measures of certain genes to accurately estimate the stage of development of grapevine. There are several genomic information databases for Vitis vinifera, and the function of thousands of their genes has been widely characterized. The application of advanced molecular biology, including the massive parallel sequencing of RNA (RNA-seq), and the handling of large volumes of data provide state-of-the-art tools for the determination of phenological stages, on a global scale, of the molecular functions and processes of plants. With this aim, we applied a bioinformatic pipeline for the high-throughput quantification of RNA-seq datasets and further analysis of gene ontology terms. We identified differentially expressed genes in several datasets, and then, we associated them with the corresponding phenological stage of development. Differentially expressed genes were classified using count-based expression analysis and clustering and annotated using gene ontology data. This work contributes to the use of transcriptome data and gene expression analysis for the classification of development in plants, with a wide range of industrial applications in agriculture.
The Water Management Impacts of Large-Scale Mining Operations: A Social and Environmental Perspective
(2024) Arenas-Collao, Katherine; Valdés-González, Héctor; Reyes-Bozo, Lorenzo; Salazar, José Luis
This study investigates water consumption in two areas with limited water resources—the Salar de Atacama and Salar de Atacama-Vertiente Pacifico basins in Chile’s Antofagasta Region—with the aim of developing strategies that incorporate social and environmental aspects into water management. A qualitative approach was employed that involved a focus group with twelve water management representatives and surveys of the general population (468 responses). Additionally, the current state of water rights in the two basins was examined and the feasibility of the proposed strategies was assessed. The findings reveal that the mining industry’s development approach is mostly viewed as negative, mainly due to inadequate community engagement, confidential consumption data, and limited government oversight. The quantitative findings indicate that 53.8% of respondents see the main obstacle as the lack of a solution satisfying both parties. Additionally, 35.3%, 24.4%, and 22.4% believe transparency, objective information provision, and detailed resource usage disclosure by mining companies would help. Adopting a comprehensive water stewardship approach that considers social and environmental factors would enable a novel contribution to a more effective and sustainable water resource management system in northern Chile, mitigating communities’ negative perceptions of the industry and facilitating the integration of communities and involved agents. Therefore, improved management and transparent collaboration among stakeholders are essential for responsible water resource use in mining.
Validation of the transcranial Doppler rescue criteria for mechanical thrombectomy
(2024) Khan, Adnan; Saqqur, Maher; Shuaib, Ashfaq; Khan, Khurshid; Sharma, Vijay; brunser, alejandro; Eggers, Jürgen; Mikulik, Robert; Katsanos, Aristeidis; Sergentanis, Theodore; Vadikolias, Konstantinos; Rubiera, Marta; Bavarsad, Reza; Thang, Huy; Martínez, Patricia; Safouris, Apostolos; Heliopoulos, Ioannis; Salam, Abdul; Derksen, Carol; Voumvourakis, Konstantinos; Psaltopoulou, Theodora; Alexandrov, Anne; Alexandrov, Andrei; Tsivgoulis, Georgios; CLOTBUST-PRO Investigators
Background and purpose: Transcranial Doppler (TCD) identifies acute stroke patients with arterial occlusion where treatment may not effectively open the blocked vessel. This study aimed to examine the clinical utility and prognostic value of TCD flow findings in patients enrolled in a multicenter prospective study (CLOTBUST-PRO).
Methods: Patients enrolled with intracranial occlusion on computed tomography angiography (CTA) who underwent urgent TCD evaluation before intravenous thrombolysis was included in this analysis. TCD findings were assessed using the mean flow velocity (MFV) ratio, comparing the reciprocal ratios of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) depths bilaterally (affected MCA-to-contralateral MCA MFV [aMCA/cMCA MFV ratio]).
Results: A total of 222 patients with intracranial occlusion on CTA were included in the study (mean age: 64 ± 14 years, 62% men). Eighty-eight patients had M1 MCA occlusions; baseline mean National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score was 16, and a 24-hour mean NIHSS score was 10 points. An aMCA/cMCA MFV ratio of <.6 had a sensitivity of 99%, specificity of 16%, positive predictive value (PV) of 60%, and negative PV of 94% for identifying large vessel occlusion (LVO) including M1 MCA, terminal internal carotid artery, or tandem ICA/MCA. Thrombolysis in Brain Ischemia scale, with (grade ≥1) compared to without flow (grade 0), showed a sensitivity of 17.1%, specificity of 86.9%, positive PV of 62%, and negative PV of 46% for identifying LVO.
Conclusions: TCD is a valuable modality for evaluating arterial circulation in acute ischemic stroke patients, demonstrating significant potential as a screening tool for intravenous/intra-arterial lysis protocols.
On a generalization of the Opial inequality
(2024) Bosch, Paul; Portilla, Ana; Rodriguez, Jose M.; Sigarreta, Jose M.
Inequalities are essential in pure and applied mathematics. In particular, Opial’s inequality and its generalizations have been playing an important role in the study of the existence and uniqueness of initial and boundary value problems. In this work, some new Opial-type inequalities are given and applied to generalized Riemann-Liouville-type integral operators.
Some new Milne-type inequalities
(2024) Bosch, Paul; Rodríguez, José M.; Sigarreta, José M.; Tourís, Eva
Inequalities play a main role in pure and applied mathematics. In this paper, we prove a generalization of Milne inequality for any measure space. The argument in the proof of this inequality allows us to obtain other Milne-type inequalities. Also, we improve the discrete version of Milne inequality, which holds for any positive value of the parameter p. Finally, we present a Milne-type inequality in the fractional context.
Inside the Black Box: Uncovering Dynamics and Characteristics of the Chilean Central Government Bureaucracy with a Novel Dataset
(2024) Brieba, Daniel; Herrera-Marín, Mauricio-René; Riffo, Marcelo; Garrido, Danilo
This article examines bureaucracies using a novel dataset of Chilean central government employees from 2006 to 2020. Unlike perception-based sources, this dataset provides objective, disaggregated, and longitudinal insights into bureaucrats’ characteristics and careers. The authors validate it against official employment statistics and conduct an exploratory and descriptive analysis, presenting six descriptive findings about the Chilean bureaucracy that cannot be discovered using available aggregate data. The analysis reveals significant degrees of personnel stability and professionalization in the civil service, but with considerable rigidity in careers and substantial interagency heterogeneity in turnover, wages, and exposure to political cycles. These findings suggest that the Chilean national bureaucracy is mostly well developed along Weberian lines, though not uniformly so. These measurements also serve as a benchmark for comparing other Latin American bureaucracies in the future.