Exploring the impact of ocean acidification information on consumers’ preference for seafood




Barrientos, Manuel
Carrasco-Garcés, Moisés
San Martín, Valeska A.
Gelcich, Stefan

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We conducted a discrete choice experiment to explore whether providing information about a lesser-known issue related to climate change, ocean acidification (OA), affects consumers’ preferences for seafood products in a middle-income country in the southern hemisphere. Our objective was to determine whether OA information affects consumer preferences for seafood using stated preference (SP) techniques. Seafood attributes include shell size and appearance, meat color, texture, taste, nutritional composition, product assortments, and price. We applied a split-sample approach to test for information effects, with one sample receiving information about OA while the other did not. We analyze the differences between samples using visual instruments and statistical tests. The results demonstrate that although the statistical test does not identify a difference between models, we did find that OA information increases the precision of ’consumers’ responses. Moreover, using visual instruments, we found differences in specific parameters – not detected in the statistical analysis - which can lead to substantial differences in the willingness to pay for seafood attributes. The article is relevant as understanding these matters is essential when generating more effective communicational strategies regarding the impacts of global changes.



Information, Climate change, Choice experiment, Ocean acidification, Commercial attribute


Manuel Barrientos, Moisés Carrasco-Garcés, Felipe Vásquez-Lavín, Roberto D. Ponce Oliva, Valeska A. San Martín, Stefan Gelcich, Exploring the impact of ocean acidification information on consumers' preference for seafood, Future Foods, Volume 10, 2024, 100494, ISSN 2666-8335,