Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy

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Reyes Reyes

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Fernando Teddy


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  • Publication
    Children participating in after-school programs in Chile: Subjective well-being, satisfaction with free time use and satisfaction with the program
    (2022) Ditzel, Ana Loreto; Casas, Ferran; Torres-Vallejos, Javier; Reyes Reyes, Fernando; Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime; Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy
    This article analyzes the subjective well-being and satisfaction with the use of free time of 1,033 Chilean children (49.1% girls) aged 9 to 14 years of whom 568 attend a public after-school Program and 465 do not. The satisfaction levels of participants in the Program are also assessed. All of the children are living in contexts of high social vulnerability, and they attend municipal schools. Well-being scales previously validated in Chile and free-time use items internationally used were applied here. The scales’ fit and score equivalence between groups were evaluated with a confirmatory factor analysis and multi-group structural equations analysis. The overall results show that children in both groups presented high levels of subjective well-being. Although the majority of those attending the Program had higher scores, the differences did not reach statistical significance. With the more specific analysis, the children attending the Program showed significantly higher scores in some subjective well-being aspects. They also felt happier and more satisfied with their use of free time compared to the group not attending the Program. The results also indicated high satisfaction with the Program, a significant correlation between Program participation, and a greater diversity of activities pursued outside of the classroom. The impact of socio-demographic variables such as age and gender were analyzed using multiple regression. The effect of public initiatives on children’s well-being is discussed in light of the scant research currently available in the field. Two other points are discussed as well. Specifically, the results of this research may add to the knowledge around child subjective well-being. The use of subjective well-being indicators when evaluating public policies in support of childhood is also addressed.
  • Publication
    Construcción y validación de una escala de participación familiar en la educación
    (2023) Sánchez-Oñate, Alejandro Antonio; Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy
    En este artículo se presentan los hallazgos de la construcción y validación de una escala para medir la participación de las familias en la educación escolar. Investigaciones recientes han demostrado que las escuelas enfrentan dificultades para fomentar una relación efectiva entre las familias y la escuela, lo que conduce a una escasa participación y una comunicación limitada y poco efectiva. Además, se ha identificado la falta de instrumentos válidos para evaluar la participación familiar y guiar las intervenciones en este ámbito. Se propuso un conjunto de indicadores divididos en tres dimensiones: apoyo en la educación desde el hogar, participación democrática y comunicación con la escuela, basándose en diferentes modelos de participación familiar. Estos indicadores fueron evaluados en cuanto a su validez de contenido mediante la opinión de trece expertos académicos. Luego, se aplicó el instrumento a una muestra de 308 padres y madres de una escuela pública para evaluar su confiabilidad y validez de constructo. Los resultados mostraron que la escala es adecuada para su uso en el contexto de la educación básica en Chile y se ajusta a la propuesta teórica inicial, quedando dispuesto para su uso en el contexto de la enseñanza básica chilena.
  • Publication
    School violence, school bonding and adherence to school norms and its Association with life satisfaction among chilean and foreign students
    (2024) Varela, Jorge; González, Constanza; Bravo‑Sanzana, Mónica; Melipillan, Roberto; Melipillan, Edmundo Roberto; Reyes-Reyes, Fernando; Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy; Pacheco Olmedo, Daniela
    In recent years, there has been an increasing recognition of the importance of understanding the educational experiences of immigrant students, particularly in diverse societies like Chile. Immigrant students often encounter unique challenges related to language, culture, and social integration, which can significantly impact their perceptions of school norms, school bonding, experiences of school violence, and overall well-being. However, there is a limited understanding of the specific differences between Chilean students and immigrant students in these domains. This study aims to bridge this gap by examining the differences between Chilean and immigrant students in their perception of school norms, levels of school bonding, experiences of school violence, and well-being. The study used a sample of 2,040 high school students residing in Chile from 20 schools (Mage = 14.9; 49% girls; 11.3% youths of immigrant origin). Results indicated that non-Chilean students exhibited higher levels of behavioral norms and lower levels of bonding. No statistically significant differences were observed for school violence and well-being. Implications for the development of educational policies that promote strategies for the development of a positive school climate are discussed, conceiving the school from the perspective of diverse and inclusive classrooms, which allow for the enrichment of culture and promote the well-being of the entire educational community.
  • Publication
    Evaluación exploratoria de la participación de estudiantes universitarios en Clase Invertida en modalidad en línea.
    (2022) Quiroz Saavedra, Rodrigo; Ramirez Fuentes, Tiare Alejandra; GURRUCHAGA COSTA, JOSE FRANCISCO; Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy; Marchant, Nicolás
    La metodología Aula Invertida está siendo cada vez más utilizada en la educación superior para enfrentar los desafíos de la formación remota en contextos de pandemia, así como para mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, la evidencia empírica sobre la relación entre esta metodología y la participación estudiantil es aún limitada e inconsistente. Este estudio indagó los efectos de la implementación de la metodología Aula Invertida en línea, desde la perspectiva de estudiantes universitarios de cuarto año de la carrera de psicología. El diseño de investigación fue comparativo, razón por la cual se aplicó una encuesta antes y después del uso de Aula Invertida en un curso troncal de la formación en psicología social-comunitaria. La encuesta fue elaborada para indagar específicamente sobre el uso de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, la gestión del tiempo, la colaboración entre pares y la participación en las actividades. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes redujeron el uso de plataformas basadas en la nube durante el semestre, que valoran el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en el curso evaluado, y que valoran la colaboración entre pares durante las actividades implementadas. Las conclusiones del estudio resaltan la relevancia de privilegiar el uso de ciertos recursos digitales en la formación de los estudiantes, al mismo tiempo que la necesidad de prestar mayor atención en este tipo de investigaciones a la influencia del equipo docente en la participación estudiantil.
  • Publication
    Una aproximación a la medición de competencias de alfabetización científica en estudiantes de psicología
    (2024) Sánchez-Oñate, Alejandro Antonio; Oliva, Karen; Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy
    El estudio se aproxima a la medición de competencias de alfabetización científica en estudiantes de psicología. La alfabetización científica es una necesidad de la formación universitaria, que permite al estudiante comprender el rol de las ciencias en la cotidianidad y contribuir generando soluciones a los desafíos de la vida social contemporánea. A su vez, la alfabetización científica es clave para la socialización disciplinaria, potenciando la capacidad para posicionarse desde un marco de trabajo interdisciplinario en la investigación en ciencias sociales y del comportamiento. En este artículo, se presentan los resultados del proceso de construcción y validación de una escala para medir competencias de alfabetización científica en estudiantes de psicología en una universidad privada del sur de Chile. Participaron 111 estudiantes de primer a quinto año. Los análisis psicométricos arrojaron cuatro dimensiones para el constructo: autoeficacia en destrezas científicas, acceso al conocimiento científico, aplicabilidad del conocimiento científico y rigurosidad científica y ética. A partir del desarrollo de este instrumento, se destaca la importancia de incentivar la participación activa de estudiantes en actividades de investigación extracurriculares, articular lineamientos vinculados al rigor científico en la formación académica, así como definir y compartir estándares mínimos de exigencia científica entre asignaturas de distintas áreas
  • Publication
    Levels of Empathy in Students and Professors with Patients in a Faculty of Dentistry
    (2024) Díaz-Narváez, Víctor P.; Huberman-Casas, Joyce; Nakouzi-Momares, Jorge Andrés; Alarcón-Ureta, Chris; Jaramillo-Cavieres, Patricio Alberto; Espinoza-Retamal, Maricarmen; Klahn-Acuña, Blanca Patricia; Epuyao-González, Leonardo; Leiton Carvajal, Gabriela; Padilla, Mariela; Vilca, Lindsay W.; Reyes-Reyes, Alejandro; Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy
    Background: Empathy is an attribute that plays an essential role in the dentist–patient therapeutic relationship, clinical care, and treatment adherence, along with providing other benefits. The main objective of this research was to establish the validity, reliability, and invariance of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy and then characterize the empathy levels of students and teachers at a dental school. Materials and Methods: An observational and cross-sectional study analyzed a sample of undergraduate students and professors from the Universidad Andrés Bello Faculty of Dentistry (Chile) (n = 1727 and n = 267, respectively). The Empathy Scale for Health Professionals (HP) and the same scale for students (HPS) were applied. Results: The Jefferson Empathy Scale presents adequate psychometric properties. The empathy measure has adequate reliability and construct validity, confirming a fit of the three-factor empathy model to the data. The measurement is invariant within the university campus, the sex of the student, and between teacher and student. Teachers present greater empathy than students except in the Perspective Adoption dimension. Conclusions: The Jefferson Empathy Scale is reliable, valid, and invariant among Chilean dental students and professors. Students do not differ from their professors in the cognitive component of empathy, but they present a lower score in the affective component and global empathy. It is inferred that students can develop the affective component of empathy in their interactions with their professors, increasing their overall empathy. Understanding and fostering empathy in dental students and professors can significantly improve patient care and treatment adherence and increase patient and dentist satisfaction.
  • Publication
    Resilience as a Modulating Factor of Empathy in Medical Students
    (2024) Acosta-Martínez, Adán A.; Sandoval, Mildred A.; Monterroza, Leida G.; Reyes Reyes, Fernando Teddy; Reyes-Reyes, Alejandro; Lindsey W. Vilca, Lindsey W.; Díaz Narváez, Víctor P.
    Introduction: Empathy is a complex and multidimensional attribute. Attempts have been made to explain empathic behavior based on other variables. Empirical evidence shows that empathy could be the product of the influence of several factors. One of these factors could be resilience. There is still no developed theory and consistent empirical evidence demonstrating that empathy depends on resilience. Objective: The aim of this study is to determine if resilience can predict empathic behavior. Methodology: This study is non experimental and ex post facto with a cross-sectional design. Variables. Dependent: Empathy; Independent: Resilience. Population: Medical students belonging to the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana (UNASA), Santa Ana, El Salvador (N=579). The sample (n=465) consisted of students (both sexes). Convenience sampling. Jefferson Scale of Empathy for Healthcare Professionals, student version (JSE-HPS). Trait Resilience Scale (EEA). A Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) model was used. Additionally, the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) (>0.95), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) (>0.95), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) (<0.08), and Standardized Root Mean Square (SRMR) (<0.08), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were employed. The significance level employed was α < 0.05. Results: All these results show that both measurement models (empathy and resilience) are adequately represented and are suitable for the structural model. Discussion: Individual resilience is a variable that can predict empathic behavior in medical students belonging to a Faculty of Health Sciences. The results constitute indirect empirical evidence that it is possible to define empathy as a dependent variable and resilience as an independent variable.