Entrepreneurial growth aspirations during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of ICT infrastructure quality versus policy response

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


We posit that the quality of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and the effectiveness of crisis-specific policy response are essential for entrepreneurial growth aspirations during major external shocks. Enhancing the quality of ICT infrastructure is a relevant strategy for building ecosystems that are resilient to multiple types of crises. It enhances entrepreneurs’ growth ambitions during the crisis, and makes them less reliant on crisis-specific response policies adopted by governments. We provide empirical support for this, utiliz-ing Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data from the pandemic period in Chile.



Entrepreneurship growth aspirations, COVID-19 pandemic, Digital infrastructure, Information and communication technology (ICT) quality, Policy response, Entrepreneurship ecosystem resilience, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Chile


Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 36:1-2, pages 1-9