Gonzalez-Mathiesen, Constanza

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  • Publication
    Trajectories of parental daily stress: an ecological momentary assessment study during the COVID-19 lockdown
    (2023) Aldoney, Daniela; Coo, Soledad; Pérez Ewert, Janet Carola; Muñoz-Najar Pacheco, Andrés Omar; Montemurro Garcia, Manuel Fernelly; Tapia Aróstica, Leonel; Silva, Jaime; Gonzalez-Mathiesen, Constanza; Silva, Luz María; Gana Gajardo, Sofia; Panesso, Carolina
    The COVID-19 pandemic was a source of significant stress due to health and safety concerns and measures to control the virus’ spread, such as mobility restrictions. This measure was especially demanding for parents with school aged children, who had to find new work–family balance as their children participate in online education while attempting to work remotely. To evaluate parents’ stress trajectories during the pandemic, we conducted Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMAs) during lockdown for 29 days in 68 families in Santiago, Chile. In addition, we evaluated the role of educational level and income, co-parenting, and number of children in parents’ stress trajectories. Our results showed that during the first weeks of lockdown expected protective factors (i.e., incomeand co-parental support) were not able to influence parents’ daily stress management. Moreover, parents with higher educational levels reported worse stress adaptation than less educated parents. On the other hand, co-parental conflict was significantly associated with parent’s stress. Our study captured an acute response to COVID-19 related challenges. This study contributes to understanding how parents adjust to stress during adverse circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Publication
    Assessing the integration of planning instruments for urban land use and water service
    (2023) Gonzalez-Mathiesen, Constanza; Palma, Cristian D.; Jara, Cesar; Zapata, Richard
    Land-use planning instruments guide development, significantly affecting future water demands. Hence, land-use and water-service planning should be integrated. However, water availability issues in urban areas might indicate that this integration is not happening. To evaluate the integration among planning instruments, we propose a set of indicators to quantify the magnitude of the integration and an appraisal framework for exploring the possible causes of a lack of integration. We apply them to eight settlements in Chile, and we find some inconsistencies between water service and land-use planning instruments. Suggestions are proposed to enable the desired integration.
  • Publication
    Integrando la gestión del riesgo de los incendios forestales y la planificación territorial:
    (2024) Gonzalez-Mathiesen, Constanza; March, Alan; Yunis-Richter, Francisca
    En zonas de interfaz urbano-rural expuestas a incendios forestales, es fundamental que la planificación territorial se adapte para integrar medidas de reducción del riesgo. Sin embargo, pocos estudios han examinado las interacciones históricas entre la gestión de incendios forestales y la planificación territorial, y cómo sus instituciones e instrumentos se han adaptado para aumentar su integración a través del tiempo. Por consiguiente, el objetivo de esta investigación es examinar la evolución del sistema de planificación territorial chileno en su incorporación de medidas para la gestión del riesgo de los incendios forestales. Se utiliza una estrategia de análisis cualitativo de estudio de caso. Se presenta una cronología de la planificación territorial chilena y su integración de los incendios forestales caracterizada en cinco períodos. Los resultados muestran progresivos esfuerzos para mejorar la manera en que la planificación territorial aborda los incendios forestales, sin embargo, éstos también evidencian que características del contexto histórico condicionan y limitan su capacidad de hacerlo. Esta investigación contribuye al entendimiento del sistema de planificación chileno y su relación con los incendios forestales, aportando a la discusión internacional sobre los factores que condicionan la integración de políticas de reducción de riesgo de desastres en diversos contextos.