Cabieses, Báltica

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  • Publication
    Barriers and facilitators to access sexual and reproductive health services among young migrants in Tarapacá, Chile: a qualitative study
    (2024) Obach, Alexandra; Blukacz, Alice; Sadler, Michelle; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Cabieses, Báltica; Carolina Díaz
    Background: Chile has become a destination country for immigrants from Latin America, including youth. Guaranteeing access and use of sexual and reproductive health services for young migrants is crucial because of their overlapping experiences of transitioning to a new country and to adulthood. However, the existing evidence shows barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare among young migrant populations. In this context, the main objective of this article is to identify the barriers and facilitators that young migrants experience to access sexual and reproductive healthcare in the Tarapacá region of Chile. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in the Tarapacá region of Chile. Semi-structured interviews with 25 young migrants from Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador, as well as 10 health workers, were carried out. The interviews were transcribed and thematically analysed. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad del Desarrollo (#2019-22). Results: Young migrants face barriers linked to structural shortcomings within the healthcare system, which may be similar to those faced by the local population. Barriers are also derived from reductionist sexual and reproductive health approaches, which prioritise the prevention of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV, with a predominantly heteronormative focus. The prevailing narratives from the health system are those of risk and lack of control and self-care among young people, and they are exacerbated in the case of migrants. Young migrants, especially from the Caribbean, are stereotyped as over-sexualised and liberal in comparison to the local population and believed to be engaging in riskier sexual behaviours that should be kept under check. This may translate into experiences of discrimination and mistreatment when receiving care. Facilitators include good-quality information and community-level interventions. Conclusions: This study shows a limited approach to the sexual and reproductive health of young migrants in Chile, severely hampering their reproductive and sexual rights. Policies and initiatives must work towards removing structural barriers, changing narratives, and empowering young migrants regarding their sexual and reproductive health.
  • Publication
    Emergency preparedness and response sensitive of migrant populations in Chile: postpandemic perspectives
    (2024) Blukacz, Alice; Cabieses, Báltica; Obach, Alexandra; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Mezones, Edward
    On August 31, 2023, the Chilean government ended the health alert for COVID-19. This milestone invites us to reflect on lessons learned in emergency preparedness and response regarding migrant populations in the country. In this context, three perspectives are presented. The first focuses on avoiding pointing to individual responsibility for non-compliance with prevention measures, as this approach ignores structural and historical inequities. Emergency recommendations should be constructed considering a collective approach and diverse sociocultural and political contexts. The second perspective calls for considering and addressing migration as a social determinant of health. During the pandemic, changes in the governance of migration around the world made migration processes more precarious, with risks to the physical and mental health of migrants, which needs better planning and evidence-based decision-making in future pandemics. The third perspective focuses on promoting intercultural health, as effective communication of contagion risks and preventive measures were hampered among migrant populations with diverse worldviews and interpretations of health and disease processes. Responding to the needs of historically marginalized communities requires establishing ways of life that respect diversity in narratives and everyday practices. Governments and health systems must incorporate migration into their emergency preparedness and response strategies, creating the conditions for optimal compliance.
  • Publication
    Recommendations for Implementing the INTERACT3 CareBundle for Intracerebral Hemorrhagein Latin America: Results of a Delphi Method
    (2024) Allende, María Ignacia; Munoz Venturelli, Paula; González, Francisca; Bascur, Francisca; Craig S., Anderson; Ouyang, Menglu; Cabieses, Báltica; Obach, Alexandra; Cano-Nigenda, Vanessa; Arauz, Antonio; LATAM INTERACT3 Consensus Statement Panel
    Introduction: The third Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3) showed that the implementation of a care bundle improves outcomes after acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We aimed to establish consensus-based recommendations for the broader integration of the care bundle across Latin American countries (LAC). Methods: A 3-phase Delphi study allowed a panel of 32 healthcare workers from 14 LAC to sequentially rank statements relevant to 7 domains (training, resources/infrastructure, patient education, blood pressure, temperature, glycemic control, and anticoagulation reversal). The pre-defined consensus threshold was 75%. Results: A total of 43 statements reached consensus by the third round, with 12 new statements emerging through rounds. The highest-ranked statements in each domain emphasized critical aspects, but successful implementation requires appropriate resourcing. Key priorities were continuous training of all healthcare workers in ICH management, establishing protocols aligned with available resources, and collaborative interdisciplinary care supported by institutional networks. Statements related to anticoagulation reversal had the highest priority. Conclusions: Consensus statements are provided to facilitate integration of the INTERACT3 care bundle to reduce disparities in ICH outcomes in LAC.