Person: Ponce, Roberto D.
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Publication Evaluando las condiciones de racionalidad y plausibilidad en la valoración de conservar la biodiversidad de un país megabiodiverso: El caso del Manu en Perú(2023) Dávila, José; Vásquez Lavín, Felipe; Orihuela, Carlos Enrique; Ponce, Roberto D.; Lavado-Solis, Karol; Paredes-Vilca, Oscar; Mogollón Ñañez, Raymundo; Díaz, SabrinaSegún la NOAA, los resultados de una valoración económica son aplicables como política pública si cumplen dos condiciones: racionalidad y plausibilidad. En el presente estudio, se realiza la valoración económica de conservar la biodiversidad del Parque Nacional del Manu en Perú (país megabiodiverso), a partir de tres representaciones: especies, hábitat y funcionalidad. Se identificó la presencia de sensibilidad al alcance en la mayor parte de atributos empleados. Al incluir características socioeconómicas se identificó que el género y los niveles salariales afectan las preferencias. Los resultados muestran que las especies de flora amenazada y la funcionalidad cumplen con ambas condiciones.Publication Microplastics in seafood:(2024) Barrientos, Manuel; Vásquez Lavín, Felipe; Ponce, Roberto D.; Nayga Jr, Rodolfo M.; Gelcich, StefanMicroplastics, an emerging pollutant, have garnered widespread attention due to potential repercussions on human health and the environment. Given the critical role of seafood in food security, growing concerns about microplastics might be detrimental to meeting future global food demand. This study employed a discrete choice experiment to investigate Chilean consumers’ preferences for technology aimed at mitigating microplastic levels in mussels. Using a between-subjects design with information treatments, we examined the impact of informing consumers about potential human health and environmental effects linked to microplastics pollution on their valuation for the technology. We found that the information treatments increased consumers’ willingness to pay for mussels. Specifically, consumers were willing to pay a premium of around US$ 4 for 250 g of mussel meat with a 90 % depuration efficiency certification. The provision of health impact information increased the price premium by 56 %, while the provision of environmental information increased it by 21 %. Furthermore, combined health and environmental information significantly increased the probability of non-purchasing behavior by 22.8 % and the risk perception of microplastics for human health by 5.8 %. These results emphasized the critical role of information in shaping consumer preferences and provided evidence for validating investment in research and development related to microplastic pollution mitigation measures.