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Publication The impact of stigma and discrimination-based narratives in the health of migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean: a scoping review(2023) Cabieses, Báltica; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Rada, Isabel; Belo, Karoline; Rojas, Karol; Araoz, Candelaria; Knipper, MichaelStigma and discrimination-based narratives have been associated with adverse health outcomes. Migrants and refugees face multiple barriers to accessing healthcare, influenced by stigma and discrimination-based narratives against them. We conducted a scoping review of scientific and grey literature (n = 61) to discuss available evidence in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) concerning communication and narrative speeches related to international migration and its implications for population health, particularly when associated with stigma and discrimination against migrants and refugees. We found that a better understanding how communication and narratives might affect migrants’ experience while transiting or residing in a different country is valuable for public health and health systems performance aims. Our review depicts the multilevel and dynamic effects of stigma and discrimination-based narratives against migrants in Latin America, highlighting the urgent need for transformative and constructive social and healthcare narratives around migration to promote population health in the region.Publication Acceso a salud de migrantes internacionales en pandemia en Chile: resultados de encuesta cuantitativa(2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Blukacz, Alice; Obach, Alexandra; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Oyarte, Marcela; Alvarez, Maria; Osse, Claudio; Mezones, EdwardEl objetivo del estudio fue analizar barreras de acceso a la atención de salud en Chile reportadas por migrantes internacionales residentes en la región metropolitana del país y factores asociados. Para ello, se aplicó una encuesta en formato digital sobre vulnerabilidades y recursos de comunidades migrantes en Chile para enfrentar la pandemia SARS-CoV-2. Se realizó análisis descriptivo y estratificado por variables demográficas, socioeconómicas, tipo de previsión de salud y estatus migratorio. Como resultados, inmigrantes provenientes de Haití reportaron el mayor porcentaje de barreras de acceso a la atención en salud, esto tras ajustar por variables sociodemográficas y estatus migratorio. The objective of the study was to analyze barriers to access to health care in Chile reported by international migrants residing in the metropolitan region of the country and associated factors. For this purpose, a digital survey on vulnerabilities and resources of migrant communities in Chile to face the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was applied. A descriptive and stratified analysis was performed by demographic and socioeconomic variables, type of health provision and migratory status. As results, immigrants from Haiti reported the highest percentage of barriers to health care access, after adjusting for socio-demographic variables and migratory status.Publication “Viajar para estar mejor”: trayectorias migratorias de niños, niñas y adolescentes que han ingresado por paso no habilitado a Chile durante la crisis por COVID-19(2023) CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Obach, Alexandra; Correa, ElianaChile ha experimentado un importante aumento de población migrante y refugiada en los últimos años. A pesar de su invisibilidad, muchos de los recién llegados son niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA), la mayor parte provenientes de países latinoamericanos. El artículo se basa en una investigación cualitativa en curso que se propone comprender las experiencias, significados y prácticas que han desarrollado en torno a la salud y enfermedad los núcleos con NNA que han cruzado la frontera norte de Chile, durante el periodo de crisis sanitaria por COVID-19. En el artículo nos interrogamos sobre sus experiencias y trayectorias de migración, así como sobre el impacto que éstas generan sobre su salud, reconociendo la importancia de visibilizar las rupturas y continuidades que la niñez y la adolescencia enfrentan en este momento del ciclo vital, destacando a su vez la capacidad que tienen los NNA de repensarse desde sus pertenencias múltiples en el contexto migratorio.Publication Trenzando las antropologías de la salud en Chile: temas, diálogos y desafíos(2023) CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Obach, Alexandra; Leyton, Daniela; Sadler, MichelleLa formación del campo de la antropología de la salud (o antropología médica) en Chile es paralela al desarrollo de la disciplina en el país. Actualmente observamos la consolidación de distintos temas y el surgimiento de nuevos diálogos y desafíos. El artículo reflexiona sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro del campo, y propone una caracterización de las distintas etapas de esta subdisciplina basada en una revisión de investigaciones nacionales y de tesis de pregrado y postgrado dedicadas al tema. Se destacan los aportes y las limitaciones de cada período y se reflexiona en torno a los desafíos que la subdisciplina enfrenta actualmente considerando el arribo a un momento histórico de mayor reconocimiento y de implicación en el debate nacional sobre los procesos de salud/enfermedad/atención/cuidado. The development of the field of anthropology of health (or medical anthropology) in Chile has taken similar pathways as local social anthropology. We can currently observe the consolidation of different topics and the development of new dialogues and issues. The article reflects on the field’s past, present, and future directions, putting forward a proposal to describe the different stages of the subdiscipline in Chile based on a review of the local research, as well as under- and post-graduate dissertations and theses. The contributions and limitations of each stage are highlighted, and we reflect on the challenges the subdiscipline currently faces as it gains further recognition and involvement in the national debate on health/disease/attention/care processes.Publication Barriers and facilitators to access sexual and reproductive health services among young migrants in Tarapacá, Chile: a qualitative study(2024) Obach, Alexandra; Blukacz, Alice; Sadler, Michelle; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Cabieses, Báltica; Carolina DíazBackground: Chile has become a destination country for immigrants from Latin America, including youth. Guaranteeing access and use of sexual and reproductive health services for young migrants is crucial because of their overlapping experiences of transitioning to a new country and to adulthood. However, the existing evidence shows barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare among young migrant populations. In this context, the main objective of this article is to identify the barriers and facilitators that young migrants experience to access sexual and reproductive healthcare in the Tarapacá region of Chile. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in the Tarapacá region of Chile. Semi-structured interviews with 25 young migrants from Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador, as well as 10 health workers, were carried out. The interviews were transcribed and thematically analysed. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad del Desarrollo (#2019-22). Results: Young migrants face barriers linked to structural shortcomings within the healthcare system, which may be similar to those faced by the local population. Barriers are also derived from reductionist sexual and reproductive health approaches, which prioritise the prevention of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV, with a predominantly heteronormative focus. The prevailing narratives from the health system are those of risk and lack of control and self-care among young people, and they are exacerbated in the case of migrants. Young migrants, especially from the Caribbean, are stereotyped as over-sexualised and liberal in comparison to the local population and believed to be engaging in riskier sexual behaviours that should be kept under check. This may translate into experiences of discrimination and mistreatment when receiving care. Facilitators include good-quality information and community-level interventions. Conclusions: This study shows a limited approach to the sexual and reproductive health of young migrants in Chile, severely hampering their reproductive and sexual rights. Policies and initiatives must work towards removing structural barriers, changing narratives, and empowering young migrants regarding their sexual and reproductive health.Publication Emergency preparedness and response sensitive of migrant populations in Chile: postpandemic perspectives(2024) Blukacz, Alice; Cabieses, Báltica; Obach, Alexandra; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Mezones, EdwardOn August 31, 2023, the Chilean government ended the health alert for COVID-19. This milestone invites us to reflect on lessons learned in emergency preparedness and response regarding migrant populations in the country. In this context, three perspectives are presented. The first focuses on avoiding pointing to individual responsibility for non-compliance with prevention measures, as this approach ignores structural and historical inequities. Emergency recommendations should be constructed considering a collective approach and diverse sociocultural and political contexts. The second perspective calls for considering and addressing migration as a social determinant of health. During the pandemic, changes in the governance of migration around the world made migration processes more precarious, with risks to the physical and mental health of migrants, which needs better planning and evidence-based decision-making in future pandemics. The third perspective focuses on promoting intercultural health, as effective communication of contagion risks and preventive measures were hampered among migrant populations with diverse worldviews and interpretations of health and disease processes. Responding to the needs of historically marginalized communities requires establishing ways of life that respect diversity in narratives and everyday practices. Governments and health systems must incorporate migration into their emergency preparedness and response strategies, creating the conditions for optimal compliance.Publication Acceso a servicios de salud para personas migrantes internacionales durante la pandemia por COVID-19: estudio cualitativo(2023) Obach, Alexandra; Blukacz, Alice; Cabieses, Báltica; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Stefoni, Carolina; Pérez, ClaudiaObjective: To explore the experience and perception of international migrants in Chile regarding access to health services during the pandemic. Method: Collective case study following the qualitative paradigm. Forty semi-structured interviews were carried out with 30 migrants from different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and 10 key actors from the health or social sector in November and December 2020. The interviews were analyzed thematically. Results: Perceived facilitators for general access to health services are related to formal work, support networks, and good treatment, while barriers are linked to immigration status, information gaps, discrimination, lack of cross-cultural skills, and personal limits of the system. In the context of access to COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment, the main barriers identified are: cultural approach to the disease, communication gaps, experiences of discrimination, costs, and lack of support networks. Conclusion: Access to health services is related to social vulnerability and violation of international migrants rights.Publication Health conditions of migrant children and adolescents from Latin America and the Caribbean: A narrative review(2024) CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Blukacz, Alice; Cabieses, Báltica; Obach, AlexandraThe presence of children and adolescents in migratory flows is growing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Little is known about migration's effects on these groups' health. This article aims to investigate the evidence available on the access and use of healthcare services by migrant children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean. We seek to explore the role of social determinants of health at different levels in the health conditions of these groups. Also, to identify potential recommendations for healthcare systems and public policy to address them. For this purpose, a narrative review of 52 publications was carried out based on a search of scientific literature in the Web of Science and Google Scholar databases. Five relevant topics were identified: use of emergency care associated with lack of healthcare access, preventive services, and other social determinants of health; exposure to preventable infectious diseases; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; and vaccinations and dental health. We conclude that the evidence shows the need to address the inequities and disadvantages faced by migrant children from a perspective of social determinants of health and policies that consider health as a human right regardless of the migratory status of children and adolescents, as well as that of their parents or primary caregivers.Publication Desafíos para el abordaje de la salud de los migrantes en Chile durante la pandemia por Covid-19: una revisión de alcance(2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Obach, Alexandra; Blukacz, Alice; Rada, Isabel; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Mezones, EdwardObjetivo.Indagar sobre los principales desafíos reportados en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria de SARS-CoV-2 según la evidencia científica disponible a la fecha en esta materia en Chile. Material y métodos. Revisión de alcance con base en tres búsquedas en Web of Science, PubMed y Google Scholar de publicaciones en inglés y español publicadas entre 2020 y 2023. Resultados. Se identificaron tres áreas clave: desafíos de acceso y uso efectivo del sistema de salud, desafíos más allá del sistema de salud, incluyendo aquellas relaciones con determinantes sociales de la salud, autocuidado e información y, finalmente, desafíos de integración de los enfoques de interculturalidad, género y cooperación internacional. Conclusiones. Se evidencian oportunidades de mejorar el abordaje de la salud de personas migrantes internacionales en Chile a raíz de la pandemia por Covid-19, de cara a futuras crisis sanitarias y para reducir brechas e inequidades que impactan la salud poblacional. Objective. To investigate the main challenges in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 health emergency according to the scientific evidence available to date in this area in Chile. Materials and methods. Scoping review based on three searches in Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar of publications in English and Spanish published between 2020 and 2023. Results. Three key areas were identified: the challenges of access and effective use of the health system, the challenges beyond the health system, including those related to social determinants of health, self-care and information, and finally, the challenges of integrating intercultural, gender and international cooperation approaches. Conclusions. There are opportunities to better address the health of international migrants in Chile in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, anticipating future health crises and to reduce gaps and inequities that impact population health.