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Item Infrastructure and land value: Who benefits from state investment?(01/08/2018) Allard Serrano, Pablo; Cociña, CamilaIn his 2018 Public Account, Chilean President Sebastián Piñera announced the expansion of Santiago’s Metro system towards Bajos de Mena, one of the most isolated - and stigmatized - neighborhoods of the city. After the initial thrill of connecting the area to the metropolitan transport system, critical voices addressed a key issue: such a considerable investment has an impact on the value of land. Two potentially dramatic scenarios thus unfold: on the one hand, the State investment generates surplus value to private entities; on the other, the escalation of land value ends up displacing those citizens whom this infrastructure sought to favor. What should be done at this crossroads? Are these inevitable consequences or can something actually be done? For this issue on infrastructure, we are interested in knowing whether the effect that State-built infrastructure has on land value is important, or if it’s an irrelevant externality when it comes to evaluating these projects.Item Lo relativo de la Belleza(2011) Fernández, LeslieItem Gestión urbana municipal a escala metropolitana: modelos en competencia(2012) Orellana, Arturo; Allard Serrano, Pablo; Nespolo, Romina; Mercado, JoséLa pregunta que guía el desarrollo de este artículo es ¿qué se entiende por gestión urbana municipal?, particularmente para el caso de las áreas metropolitanas de Chile. Alcanzar esta respuesta supuso metodológicamente trabajar en construir un cierto consenso entre diferentes actores (sector público, sector privado, academia y sociedad civil) respecto a lo que debiera entenderse por gestión urbana municipal. Resuelto lo anterior, se determinó que conviven dentro del espacio metropolitano al menos tres modelos de gestión urbana municipal y que, ante la ausencia de un gobierno metropolitano como tal, cada municipio bajo un marco normativo y de manera autónoma, promueve o se aproxima a uno de estos modelos. Un primer modelo que denominaremos Prestador de Servicios, donde prima una concepción de la ciudadanía como cliente con predominio del mercado como agente transformador del espacio urbano, sin participación relevante de la sociedad civil. Un segundo modelo, el cual denominaremos Promotor, donde el municipio incide en las decisiones de inversión privadas directa o indirectamente, pero sin participación ciudadana relevante. Y, finalmente, un tercero que denominaremos Participativo, el cual apuesta a que la sociedad civil tenga un rol activo en los procesos de decisión en materia de gestión urbana municipal, restringiendo en forma importante la acción del mercado.Item Diamantes, manones y canarios. Paisajes torpes pero sonoros(2013) Salineros, CristiánDiamantes, Manones y Canarios. Paisajes torpes, pero sonoros, del artista chileno Cristián Salineros, reunió trabajos que reflexionan en torno a la administración de los espacios, continuando desarrollos de proyectos anteriores en torno a las políticas espaciales y a los sistemas de gestión de esos espacios. Al mismo tiempo, se trata de obras que exploran las condiciones cromáticas, valiéndose del mimetismo y las relaciones ópticas que se dan en la conjugación de ese concepto, construyendo una trampa visual, espacial y sonora.Item Preludios del nocturno urbano: miedo y fascinación por la luz eléctrica a finales del siglo XIX(2013) Caralt, DavidCuando el día se oscurece y los comercios cierran, la ciudad empieza poco a poco a mutar y adquirir nuevos rostros cambiantes. Es entonces cuando se abren caminos que conducen hacia la otredad, se multiplican las posibilidades de vivir circunstancias extrañas, de experimentar situaciones perturbadoras, de tener encuentros con desconocidos. Pero al mismo tiempo se abren expectativas de topar con escenarios poéticos y fiestas radicales. La atmósfera de la noche es característicamente rica y polivalente, efímera y espectacular. Parte de este carácter indómito debemos buscarlo en el perfeccionamiento de la iluminación eléctrica y su aparición atronadora a finales del siglo XIX, primero en Europa y de allí al resto del globo.Item El comportamiento del viento en la morfología urbana y su incidencia en el uso estancial del espacio público, Punta Arenas, Chile(2014) Bustamante, Carlos; Jans, Margarita; Higueras, EsterEl presente artículo responde a un trabajo de investigación inicial, desarrollado entre los años 2010 y 2012 mediante fondos internos entregados por la Universidad Finis Terrae, con el objetivo de conocer los principios del Urbanismo Aerodinámico. El estudio se centra en comprender la relación entre la morfología urbana con su entorno geo-climático y la importancia en el diseño del espacio público, para identificar cuáles son las dificultades y condicionantes al momento de realizar una intervención en el espacio urbano en una ciudad con clima extremo. El uso estancial de espacios públicos no diseñados bajo condiciones determinadas produce que éstos no se usen, generando poca intensidad de uso y su abandono social. spaces not designed under specific conditions results in these spaces being left behind, with low use intensity and social abandonment.Item Ochoalcubo [ eightcubed ](2014) Altikes Pinilla, PabloLas dos grandes guerras del siglo XX obligaron a repensar el sentido, uso y diseño de la vivienda unifamiliar. Iniciativas vanguardistas en Alemania y Estados Unidos, generaron las condiciones para experimentar con nuevas propuestas. En Alemania será la academia liderada por Walter Gropius y Mies van Der Rohe, y en Estados Unidos la visión del editor de la revista Arts & Architecture, John Entenza. Ambas iniciativas tendrán dos factores gravitantes: el primero será para un público de clase media trabajadora que tiene necesidades de una vivienda; el segundo, la reformulación del programa arquitectónico a partir del uso de sus espacios como requerimiento funcional, su tamaño y materialidad que permitirán el acceso de las clases sociales de manera masiva, rompiendo el paradigma de la casa propia como un bien inalcanzable. Estos dos hechos históricos marcarán y serán referentes hasta el día de hoy en el quehacer de los arquitectos a nivel mundial y muy fuertemente a nivel local. El caso chileno se diferenciará por ofrecer una segunda vivienda unifamiliar para vacacionar y dirigida al segmento alto de la sociedad. Lo anterior es posible gracias a un Chile que a fines de 1988, y con la inminente llegada de la democracia, comienza a recibir fuertes inversiones internacionales y nacionales junto a un profundo cambio en el crecimiento de las ciudades gracias a los nuevos profesionales. Ochoalcubo, como fenómeno, refleja un país que tiene un discurso arquitectónico potente, que tiene como aval a una sociedad que se ha empoderado del valor que significa la buena arquitectura y lo que esta propone como el habitar cotidiano bajo nuevas premisas en lo que se refiere a la arquitectura y su territorio.Item Creative Soups for the Soul: Stories of Community Recovery in Talca, Chile, After the 2010 Earthquake(2015) Bender, Brooke; Metzl, Einat S.; Selman, Trinidad; Gloger, Daniela; Moreno, NancyThis study, conducted in Talca, Chile, a year and a half after a massive natural disaster, focused on creative thinking and art production as manifestations of resilience. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants through community leaders and programs. Ten survivors whose houses were damaged or destroyed during the 2010 earthquake were willing to participate in semi-structured interviews that included verbal narratives and an art response. Systematic analysis illuminated conscious and latent psychological content. Three overarching themes were identified as central to survivors’ recovery process and were then contrasted with data from New Orleans after hurricane Katrina, exploring universality and contextual factors in post disasters’ creativity and resilience. Specifically, in Talca, the creation of craft for sale, instead of art making for emotional expression in New Orleans, was observed; idealism and future-oriented thinking were heightened in Talca, while humor and spirituality seemed more pronounced in New Orleans; and connections to natural surroundings in Talca were juxtaposed with New Orleans’ residents’ strong neighborhood affiliations and cultural festivities.Item Herreros Arquitectos(2016) Hermansen Cordua, ChristianItem Fables from the reconstruction: Lessons from Chile's recovery after the 2010 earthquake and tsunami(2016) Allard Serrano, Pablo; Arrasate, María IgnaciaAccelerating urbanization worldwide means more urban-centered disasters. Floods, earthquakes, storms and conflicts affecting densely populated areas produce significant losses in lives, livelihoods and the built environment, especially in comparison to rural areas. Poor urban dwellers, almost always the most vulnerable, too often bear the brunt. Aid agencies and urban professionals have been slowly adapting to these new conditions, but older models and practices hinder the most effective engagements. Drawing directly from the experiences of urban disasters in the Philippines, Chile, India, Thailand, Iraq, Haiti and Nepal, among other countries, Urban Disaster Resilience brings to light new collaborations and techniques for addressing the challenges of urban disasters in the coming years. Chapters range from country-specific case studies to more synthetic frameworks in order to promote innovative thinking and practical solutions. Edited by David Sanderson, Jerold S. Kayden and Julia Leis, this book is a crucial read for humanitarian and disaster specialists, urban planners and designers, architects, landscape architects, housing and economic development professionals, real estate developers, private business managers and students interested in the subject, whether based in non-governmental organizations, local, state or national governments, international agencies, private firms, or the academy.Item Santiago, Ciudad Capital: Las Formas de la Periferia, 1836-1875(2016) Rosas Vera, José; Strabucchi Chambers, Wren; Fernández Valbuena, PilarIn the first half of the XIX century, Santiago territorial scale registers, two ways of growth that precedes to the urban expansion and modernization to be inaugurated towards 1870: one, by extending the model of the foundational grid and other, by creating autonomous centres in strategic positions that intensify rural land in areas adjacent to the central city. Confirm this process, derived from rural migration and population increases, three episodes constitute the first units of residential composition and places with their own identity out of the watercourses that limited the consolidated urban grid until 1841. These isolated operations, reveals new processes of transformation of the territory and the strength of an incipient phase of metropolization of nineteenth-century city; however, in a general reading they have been minimized in urban history and invisibilized in the cartographic records of Santiago.Item Urban planning’s role in the development, transfer, and application of knowledge about bushfire risk management in Victoria(2017) González-Mathiesen, Constanza; March, AlanInternationally, there is increasing concern with developing improved ways of dealing with disasters (UNISDR, 2015). The development of policy and practices for the reduction of disaster risk is intimately related to knowledge about dynamic and spatially particular risks and relevant ways of managing these via informed decisions and coordinated action (Weichselgartner and Pigeon, 2015). It is now commonly accepted that integrating disaster risk considerations into urban planning process is advantageous - what is less widely discussed is urban planning’s proper role when interacting with disaster risk management knowledge. This paper examines urban planning’s role in the development, transfer, and application of knowledge about bushfire risk management in Victoria. It argues that urban planning, in partnership with other disciplines, has the capacity to put risk management knowledge into action to manage risk by applying it in an effective and contextualized manner to overcome barriers, bridging the gap between spatial and aspatial policies. It reports the manner in which Victoria's connections between strategic and statutory planning, and other implementation activities and processes, are often incomplete, contradictory, or are simply uncertain in the outcomes they actually achieve. The paper contributes to planning theory and practice dealing with disasters and resilient settlements. It increases awareness of urban planning processes that develop, transfer, and apply bushfire risk management knowledge, and the barriers to overcome to be effective.Item Real Estate Social Market Employing a PPP Approach: The Chilean Case(2017) Oliveros R., José; González-Mathiesen, ConstanzaEngaging the private sector in the social housing provision is a contested public policy discussion in Australia and internationally. A valuable reference case for Australia is the social housing policy in Chile, which has drifted from a traditional procurement approach, meaning that the public sector is in charge of providing housing units; to a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) approach in which a real estate social housing market was created using demand subsidy certificates and certified private social housing developers. The evolution of social housing in Chile has been well documented and assessed; however, studies have not distinguished between the effects associated to the current procurement method (PPP) and to the public policy (strategy). This research aims to understand whether the source of the impacts is the public policy or the procurement method; differentiating which procurement method appears to have better performance. The conclusion of the article is that most impacts are related to the public policy as a whole; and in general term, the PPP approach has a better performance compare to the traditional procurement approach. These findings contribute to have a clearer understanding of the effects of a PPP approach to social housing provision, adding to the Australian social housing discussion and public policy decision-making.Item El comercio informal de calle en las comunas Santiago y Concepción(2017) Souza, Mónica de; Bustos, AlexanderEl objetivo de este artículo es analizar los resultados de la investigación empírica sobre el comercio callejero de las comunas de Santiago y Concepción realizada entre marzo de 2015 y febrero de 2016. Dichos resultados fundamentaron la elaboración de un Mapa del comercio informal de calle y contribuyeron a la identificación de aspectos importantes de ese fenómeno, como su extensión sobre el territorio, el número de trabajadores involucrados, rasgos del comportamiento de dichos trabajadores y la relación de esa actividad con el espacio urbano.Item Establishing Principles for Bushfire Resilient Urban Planning(2018) González-Mathiesen, ConstanzaThe aim of this study is to elaborate on the built and natural environment disciplines’ potential to develop applied understandings of resilience, using the example of land-use planning design guides in bushfire prone areas. The central argument of this study is that land-use planning can develop and apply spatial and physical resilience principles to disasters, contributing to developing meaningful ways of achieving resilience by bridging the space between overarching goals and the specificity of individual contexts. The study concludes that there are nine design principles that can improve settlements resilience in bushfire prone areas to reduce bushfire risk, organized under two major categories: acting on vulnerability and facilitating response.Item Aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez(2018) Amunategui, Sergio; Stantec Architecture + Amunátegui Barreau Arquitectos aia; Barreau, Carmen; Smith, Stanis; Vidal, LuisPese al declive de los discursos como el marketing urbano o la arquitectura espectáculo, las grandes infraestructuras de transporte siguen siendo una necesidad para las ciudades que quieren participar de la economía global. Así, no es casual que el nuevo aeropuerto de Santiago sea el edificio en construcción más grande de Chile. Pero su tamaño no sólo tiene que ver con la cantidad de pasajeros que recibirá, sino también con la escala de sus principales usuarios: las aeronaves.Item Urban planning: historical changes integrating bushfire risk management in Victoria(2019) González-Mathiesen, Constanza; March, Alan; Leonard, Justin; Holland, Mark; Blanchi, RaphaeleBushfires represent an increasing risk for people and properties in exposed urban areas. The integration of bushfire risk management considerations into urban planning is one of the approaches used to address this challenge. This paper summarises the key changes in urban planning and building regulations that were introduced in Victoria over time to minimise the effects of bushfire on settlements. These have generally occurred within four main eras, being the independent origins of planning and bushfire risk management, the progressive emergence of bushfire risk management into urban planning between the late 1970s and the early 1990s, the formalisation of bushfire risk management via urban planning with the Wildfire Management Overlay in 1997 and the 2011 reforms associated with the Bushfire Management Overlay and its following adjustments. Advancements in urban planning regulation have usually occurred after bushfire events that inflicted significant losses on communities. These changes represent an ongoing trend towards the integration of bushfire risk reduction measures into urban planning mechanisms.Item Desafíos para las interfaces urbano-rurales propensas a incendios forestales: El caso de Melbourne(2019) González-Mathiesen, Constanza; March, Alan; Stanley, JanetLos incendios forestales son una amenaza creciente para muchos residentes de las interfaces urbano-rurales situadas en áreas propensas a estos siniestros. La planificación espacial es un aspecto importante al lidiar con el riesgo de incendio forestal, ya que tiene el potencial de modificar el diseño, la ubicación y las características de los asentamientos. Sin embargo, los sistemas de planificación pueden tener dificultades para integrar acciones al respecto. Este documento reflexiona sobre los mecanismos para tratar los factores clave de riesgo de incendio forestal en las interfaces urbano-rural y los desafíos asociados a esta tarea, a través de un estudio de caso, el de Melbourne. Este se analiza desde la perspectiva de los mecanismos de planificación espacial que abordan el riesgo de incendio forestal, relacionados a las estructuras físicas y a los roles de los organismos. Los mecanismos físicos para tratar el riesgo se examinan considerando la cartografía, la acción estratégica y los procesos de toma de decisiones. Finalmente, se destacan los siguientes desafíos a los que se enfrentan los mencionados mecanismos de planificación: influencia directa e indirecta de la política; otros requerimientos de planificación que compiten y frenan la gestión de riesgos; limitaciones de implementación; y problemas asociados al legado de riesgo en asentamientos existentes.Item Land Use Planning for Disaster Resilient Communities(2020) Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience; March, Alan; González-Mathiesen, ConstanzaLand-use planning that considers natural hazard risk is the single most important mitigation measure in minimising the increase in future disaster losses in areas of new development. The Land Use Planning for Disaster Resilient Communities handbook focuses on land use planning for new development and its role in supporting disaster-resilient communities. It outlines nationally agreed on principles for good practice in land use planning to build disaster-resilient communities. The handbook introduces community wellbeing and disaster resilience as the overarching aim of land use planning and disaster risk reduction and outlines nationally agreed on principles for land use planning for disaster resilient communities. The aim and principles provide the context for good practice in general as well as across the document. The handbook also presents a procedural framework for land use planning for disaster resilient communities. The framework can be applied across the decision-making process at the different levels of land use planning. It is intended to guide and assist a range of stakeholders including: Natural hazard and emergency managers - to build capacity in and understanding of the impact of natural hazard risks in land use planning; Land-use planners, build environment professionals and developers - to build awareness of and capacity in engaging with natural hazard and emergency managers and to integrate natural hazard risk assessment into the planning process; Community members and leaders - to provide an understanding of the reasons for and main mechanisms of risk management in land use planning in their communities and the interdependencies between diverse actors' decisions as these related to natural hazard risks.Item Guide proposal for urban planning for fostering wildfire resilient timber construction in the urban-rural interface(2021) González-Mathiesen, Constanza; March, AlanIn wildfire-prone urban-rural interface areas, policies for fostering wildfire resilient timber construction need to consider the risks associated with the interaction between wildfires and buildings, implementing wildfire risk reduction strategies. By comprehensively integrating wildfire risk reduction considerations, urban planning can contribute to implementing policies for fostering wildfire resilient approaches to timber construction. However urban planning systems often fail to do so, addressing wildfires partially and inconsistently. Thus, there is a need to set out comprehensive approaches to urban planning for wildfire risk reduction. To address this gap, this paper aims to propose a guide for urban planning integrating wildfire risk reduction considerations that can contribute to foster wildfire resilient timber construction in wildfire-prone areas. The study was approached as inductive qualitative research of two case studies: the urban planning systems of Chile and Victoria (Australia). Based on the analysis, the research presents a normative guide for urban planning integrating wildfire risk reduction considerations based on three broad categories: legislation; spatial plans; and implementation processes. The framework presented serves as a guide to fostering resilient timber construction in wildfire-prone areas by comprehensively integrating wildfire risk reduction considerations into urban planning systems.