Browsing by Author "Benavente, Mariavictoria"
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Item Access to material resources and the subjective well-being of children in Brazil and Chile(2021) Ditzel, Ana Loreto; Chuecas, María Josefina; Bedín, Lívia; Torres-Vallejos, Javier; Villarroel, Alejandra; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime; Castellá Sarriera, Jorge; Juarros-Basterretxea, JoelThis article analyzes the relationships between the material conditions and the subjective well-being of 3,716 children (50.5% girls) between 10 and 12 years of age (M = 11.4) in Chile and Brazil. These are the two Latin American countries that took part in the third wave of the Children’s Worlds research. The material conditions of the children were assessed using latent classes. A multivariate analysis of covariance was done next in order to test the influence of material conditions over the children's subjective well-being and interpersonal relationships. The association between gender and country variables of the children was also studied. The results showed that although the average subjective well-being scores of the children were high in general, the class analysis showed significant differences between the results for children with better material conditions than those with poorer material conditions. The latter group presented lower subjective well-being levels. MANCOVA was used to analyze the mean differences in subjective well-being levels and interpersonal relationships controlling variables of gender and country of residence. This showed that children with greater access to better material conditions showed significantly higher levels of subjective well-being levels and had a more positive view of their interpersonal relationships in all areas assessed compared to those who reported worse material conditions. These results are discussed in view of the high indices of material deprivation that exist in Latin America during childhood as well as how these findings may help better understand the well-being of children living in Latin American countriesItem Bullying and subjective well-being: A hierarchical socioeconomical status analysis of Chilean adolescents(2020) Varela, Jorge J.; Fábrega Lacoa, Jorge; Carrillo, Gisela; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime; Rodríguez, CarlosInequality is a major concern for governments and policymakers in poor’s and developing countries. High levels of inequity negatively affect the lives of children and adolescents and their subjective well-being (SWB). Moreover, bullying behavior also harm the SWB of its victims. Previous studies have examined the negative consequences of bullying, but have failed to consider socioeconomic status (SES) and the nested effects of the school. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of bullying on SWB by considering the role of SES at the school level. We examined a sample of 1,914 adolescents from 26 schools in two Chilean regions (mean age: 11.54 years; 47.1% female) using Hierarchical Linear Modeling with different subjective well-being measures at the student level. We used the type of school (private versus public) and socioeconomic status. Our results indicate a negative relationship between bullying and different measures of SWB. SES appears to be negatively related at the school level on well-being, which evidences other features to be considered in relation to prevention. This is evidence of the negative effects of levels of risk and inequality in Chilean schools on the subjective well-being of adolescents.Publication Covitality and life satisfaction: a multilevel analysis of bullying experiences and their relation with School attachment(2023) Varela, Jorge; De Tezanos-Pinto, Pablo; Guzmán, Paulina; Cuevas-Pavincich, Francisca; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Furlong, Michael; Alfaro Inzunza, JaimeAdolescent mental health research highlights the importance of individual strengths and well-being, which have been organized by different conceptual models. The covitality model is one example that proposes a meta-construct integrating different domains. Even though some prior research examines the relationship between covitality and bullying, there is a research gap regarding the specific mechanisms involved. In this study, we examined how school bullying may be asso ciated with covitality and life satisfaction and how this relationship may be mediated by school attachment. We used a multilevel analysis with 1,697 students (51% female, age: M=12.25, SD=2.11) from 62 classrooms in Chile. Our results show that at the individual level, victims of bullying report lower levels of well-being and covitality, which is explained by lower levels of school attachment. Bullying was also associated with higher levels of life satisfaction and covitality at the classroom level, and the relationship with covitality may also be partly explained by school attachment. These results underscore the importance of bullying prevention at the individual and the classroom level and the relevance of contextual variables in understanding its effects.Item Cyberbullying. Bullying and antisocial behavior among chilean adolescents(2021) Varela, Jorge J.; Sánchez, Paulina A.; Chuecas, María Josefina; Benavente, Mariavictoria; González, Constanza; Acuña-Wagner, Esteban Andrés; Olaya Torres, AdrianaCyberbullying is a phenomenon that affects teenagers around the globe. Studies suggest that it has a negative impact on both victims and aggressors, becoming a public health concern. Previous studies have sought to define its predictors; however, most studies have not assessed the relationship between cyberbullying and traditional bullying or other types of aggression. Herein, we aimed to assess the association between antisocial behaviors and traditional bullying as forms of aggression that could predict cyberbullying in victims and perpetrators. A total of 791 adolescents from Santiago, Chile, were included in our study; mean age of 13.57 years old, 46.06% female. We used the structural equations model to test our model. Our results show a good fit of the model, showing a relation between antisocial behaviors and bullying, but only for the perpetrator. Bullies were associated with the roles of cyberbullying victim and cyberbullying perpetrator. Bullying victims were only associated with cyberbullying victims. Our results confirm the relation between different types of aggressive behavior, particularly for perpetrators, which could account for a unique dynamic for bullying and cyberbullying perpetrators. Prevention programs should explore more comprehensive interventions aimed at adolescents and promote a better understanding of this type of aggressionItem Efectos del Período de Pandemia en el Bienestar de Adolescentes Chilenos(2021) Rodríguez-Rivas, Matías; Cabrera Malthess, Tamara; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Pacheco Olmedo, Daniela; Melipillán Araneda, Roberto; Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime; Varela Torres, Jorge; Reyes Reyes, FernandoEl año 2020 ha significado grandes dificultades, cambios y desafíos para la humanidad. En marzo de este año se declaró mundialmente la pandemia por la Enfermedad por Coronavirus 2019 (CoViD-19), conllevando a tomar a nivel nacional e internacional una serie de estrategias para intentar contener su expansión (Organización Mundial de la salud [WHO en inglés], 2020), tales como el confinamiento y medidas de distanciamiento social (Gatto et al., 2020). De esta forma, para niños, niñas y adolescentes significó no solo la suspensión de clases presenciales y la instauración de metodologías de aprendizaje a distancia (Ministerio de Educación [Mineduc], 2020), sino que además ha representado diversas alteraciones derivadas de este período especialmente complejo a nivel social, económico e individual.Item Experiential learning in higher education. A student-centered teaching method that impr method that improves perceived learning. ed learning(2020) Villarroel, Verónica; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Chuecas, María Josefina; Bruna, DanielaThere is an interest in involving psychology students in early practical activities, which allow them to learn in a more meaningful and authentic way. In these instances, they must apply knowledge, solve problems and demonstrate professional skills associated with the graduate competencies that they are expected to achieve. The present work seeks to position experiential learning as a means to reach these goals. With this aim, an intervention on experiential learning with second year students from a developmental psychology course is presented, describing its design, implementation and assessment. The students observed and interviewed schoolchildren to determine an area of development in which they needed stimulation and enrichment for a healthy development. Then, they created a pedagogical tool to do so, testing its application on the same children sample. The results showed a positive perception from the students, teachers and beneficiaries of the proposal. Likewise, the students reported the perception of having learned more than in a subject in which this methodology is not used; this difference was statistically significant.Item Informe de Resultados: Estudio Efectos de la Cuarentena Covid-19 en el Bienestar Adolescente(Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Psicología, 2021) Alfaro, Jaime; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Rodríguez-Rivas, Matías; Melipillán, Roberto; Cabrera, Tamara; Varela, Jorge; Reyes, Fernando; Pacheco, DanielaEl presente informe corresponde al reporte de resultados del “Estudio Efecto de la Cuarentena COVID-19 en Bienestar adolescente”, realizado en marco del Proyecto de investigación Fondecyt Regular “Estudio longitudinal de factores individuales y escolares predictores de la trayectoria del Bienestar Subjetivo durante la adolescencia (nº 1180607)”. El estudio que reportamos tiene como principal objetivo contribuir al análisis de los efectos que ha tenido sobre el desarrollo y funcionamiento psicosocial de los adolescentes chilenos el intenso periodo de confinamiento a causa de la pandemia por Coronavirus que hemos debido enfrentar en Chile.Publication Preschool and school aggression: adaptation and validation of the preschool social behavior scale in Chile(2023) Varela, Jorge; Mujica, Paula; Melipillan, Edmundo Roberto; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Villacura, PaulaRecognizing aggressive behavior at an early age is vital to identify problematic trajectories that may increase the risk of behavioral and social adaptation problems at school and during adolescence. This requires scales capable of measuring this behavior. In this study, the Scale of Preschool Social Behavior (psbs) - Teacher Form was validated using a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (cfa) in a national context. We used a sample of 538 children and 12 educators from 4 kindergartens and 5 public schools in Santiago, Chile. The results revealed two main factors: aggression and pro-social behavior, similar to the original scale. This study contributes to the early detection of physical and relational aggression in the preschool stage through the development of reliable measurements that guide prevention programs.Item Propiedades Psicométricas de la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida de los Estudiantes (SLSS) de Huebner en una Muestra de Adolescentes Chilenos(2019) Benavente, Mariavictoria; Cova, Félix; Alfaro, Jaime; Varela, Jorge J.Se exploran las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida de los Estudiantes (SLSS) de Huebner en una muestra de adolescentes. A través de análisis factoriales confirmatorios, se ponen a prueba 2 modelos de estructura factorial, un modelo que sigue la estructura monofactorial y otro bifatorial, surgido a partir del Análisis Factorial Exploratorio, en el cual el segundo factor está conformado por los ítems invertidos. El modelo bifactorial es el que presenta mejores índices de ajuste. Posteriormente se comprueba mediante análisis de multigrupos la invarianza del modelo según sexo. Se discute la solución de dos factores en relación a las características de los ítems y de la adolescencia. El estudio aporta al uso y desarrollo de herramientas de medición de autoinforme para el estudio del bienestar subjetivo en adolescentes.Item Psychometric Properties of the Community Sense Scale in the Classroom in a sample of Chilean students(2022) Benavente, Mariavictoria; Fábrega Lacoa, Jorge; Alfaro, Jaime; Varela, Jorge J.; Chuecas, María Josefina; Yaikin, Tamara; Carrillo, GiselaIt is only recently that the sense of community in contexts other than the neighbor- hood has started to be studied, providing evidence on the associations between this variable in the school environment and various dimensions of integral development in childhood and adolescence. However, in the Latin American context, there are no validated scales to perform these measurements. The present study examined the structure, reliability and convergent validity of the Community Sense Scale in the Classroom (SCo-SC) proposed by Petrillo, Capone and Donizzetti. The participants of the study were 1065 students aged 10 to 12 from urban areas. The confrmatory factor analysis coincides with the authors’ proposal; however, due to the high homo- geneity indexes of the scale, a Bifactor analysis model was carried out. The results indicate that the SCo-SC is an adequate instrument to measure the Community Sense in the Classroom and that it is positively related to satisfaction with life and with school during childhood.Publication Psychometric Properties of the School Support Scale (SSS) for a Sample of Chilean Adolescents(2024) Chuecas, María Josefina; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Galdames, Alejandra; Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime; Ditzel, Ana LoretoThis study assesses the psychometric properties of the School Support Scale (SSS), part of the CHKS’s Resilience Youth Development Module (RYDM; Furlong et al., 2009), among 231 sixth- and seventh-grade students in urban public schools in Chile. Results indicated satisfactory psychometric properties, replicating a unifactorial structure observed in prior research (Hanson & Kim, 2007), where items related to caring relationships and high expectations loaded onto a single factor, school support. Significant correlations were found with measures of life satisfaction and school-related affect. These findings underscore the scale’s utility in evaluating student perceptions of school support and highlight avenues for future research to enhance its applicability across diverse educational contexts.Item School Climate, Bullying and Mental Health among Chilean Adolescents(2021) Varela, Jorge J.; Sánchez, Paulina A.; Tezanos‐Pinto, Pablo de; Chuecas, María Josefina; Benavente, MariavictoriaBullying among adolescents is associated with diferent mental health issues, for both victims and aggressors. This association has been evidenced in diferent contexts, but its relationship to other aspects of schooling, such as school climate, have not always been considered. The purpose of this study was to examine how school climate—as perceived by students—is associated with the roles of victim and aggressor in bullying situations, and problems of internalizing and externalizing behaviors among adolescents. To this end, a sample of 366 adolescent students were asked to self-report on school climate; bullying in terms of victimization and aggres- sion; and internalizing and externalizing behaviors. A negative association was evi- denced by means of structural equations between school climate and victimization, as well as a positive association between victimization and internalizing behaviors. A positive relationship was found between bullying aggression and externalizing behaviors, although school climate did not predict aggression levels. These results reinforce the importance of considering schooling dimensions to understand bully- ing and its consequences on the mental health of adolescents, particularly for bully- ing victimization and its relation to internalizing behaviors.Item Sense of Community Mediates the Relationship Between Social and Community Variables on Adolescent Life Satisfaction.(2017) Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime; Guzmán, Javier; Sirlopú, David; Oyarzún, Denise; Reyes Reyes, Fernando; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Varela, Jorge J.; Fernández de Rota, José MaríaThe study of subjective well-being in adolescence has had a recent and dynamic development. Despite this, the meso-systemic contextual factors and their relationship with well-being have had relatively little attention compared to the micro-social dimensions. Regarding this context, this chapter aims to examine the association between life satisfaction with social-communitarian dimensions, and specifically the role that the sense of community plays in Chilean adolescents. Here, we provide a systematic review of the literature on the relationship between subjective well-being in childhood and adolescence with a focus on Sense of Community, Social Well-Being, and Community Support variables. Next, we analyze the relationship between subjective well-being scales together with analyzing the role of the sense of community in mediating overall life satisfaction and its relationship with community support and social well-being. The analysis uses the Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (SLSS) (Huebner 1991), Sense of Community Scale (Sánchez 2001), the Social Well-being Scale (Keyes 1998), and Perceived Community Support Questionnaire (PCSQ; Herrero and Gracia 2007). The target population studied in this chapter is based on a convenience sample of 438 adolescents of both sexes, aged between 14 and 18, belonging to public schools, subsidized private schools, and private schools distributed among seven urban neighborhoods in three regions of Chile. The results indicate that the sense of community mediates the relationship between community support and overall life satisfaction in Chilean adolescents. In addition, the sense of community has a partial contribution to the relationship between social well-being and overall life satisfaction. The discussion includes an analysis of the implications of these findings for future studies on adolescent subjective well-being.Item Trayectorias del bienestar en la infancia y adolescencia en Chile: estudio longitudinal de predictores individuales y escolares del Bienestar Subjetivo(Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Bienestar Socioemocional, 2024) Alfaro, Jaime; Melipillán, Roberto; Varela, Jorge; Reyes Reyes, Fernando; Aspillaga, Carolina; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Carrillo Bestagno, Gisela; Rodríguez-Rivas, MatíasEste informe reporta los resultados de un estudio longitudinal de las dinámicas del Bienestar Subjetivo (BS) en población chilena adolescente, con foco en factores tanto individuales como escolares que influyen en su cambio a lo largo del tiempo (Fondecyt N°1180607). Este estudio se centra en la Satisfacción con la Vida (SV) y los afectos, tanto positivos como negativos (AP y AN) y analiza la relación de estas dimensiones con el entorno educativo y socioeconómico. El informe también incorpora una evaluación de los impactos que la pandemia de COVID-19 ha tenido en el BS de esta población estudiada, considerando cómo estos efectos se entrelazan con los factores individuales y escolares previamente identificados como relevantes en este proceso. La metodología adoptada es mixta: por un lado, se emplea un enfoque cuantitativo para el análisis longitudinal de las interacciones entre el BS y variables de índole psicológica, personal y escolar –incluyendo autoestima, violencia escolar y sentido de pertenencia a la comunidad educativa, entre otras variables. Así también, por otro lado, se implementa un estudio cualitativo para profundizar en las trayectorias del bienestar desde la perspectiva de las vivencias subjetivas de los participantes