Advancements in dementia research, diagnostics, and care in Latin America: Highlights from the 2023 Alzheimer's Association International conference satellite symposium in Mexico City

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


Introduction: While Latin America (LatAm) is facing an increasing burden of dementia due to the rapid aging of the population, it remains underrepresented in dementia research, diagnostics, and care. Methods: In 2023, the Alzheimer's Association hosted its eighth satellite symposium in Mexico, highlighting emerging dementia research, priorities, and challenges within LatAm. Results: Significant initiatives in the region, including intracountry support, showcased their efforts in fostering national and international collaborations; genetic studies unveiled the unique genetic admixture in LatAm; researchers conducting emerging clinical trials discussed ongoing culturally specific interventions; and the urgent need to harmonize practices and studies, improve diagnosis and care, and use affordable biomarkers in the region was highlighted. Discussion: The myriad of topics discussed at the 2023 AAIC satellite symposium highlighted the growing research efforts in LatAm, providing valuable insights into dementia biology, genetics, epidemiology, treatment, and care.


Yassuda, Mônica; Yassuda, Mônica; Yassuda, Mônica


Alzheimer's disease, Hispanics, Latin America, biomarkers, dementia, genetics


Sosa AL, Brucki SM, Crivelli L, Lopera FJ, Acosta DM, Acosta-Uribe J, Aguilar D, Aguilar-Navarro SG, Allegri RF, Bertolucci PH, Calandri IL, Carrillo MC, Mendez PAC, Cornejo-Olivas M, Custodio N, Damian A, de Souza LC, Duran-Aniotz C, García AM, García-Peña C, Gonzales MM, Grinberg LT, Ibanez AM, Illanes-Manrique MZ, Jack CR Jr, Leon-Salas JM, Llibre-Guerra JJ, Luna-Muñoz J, Matallana D, Miller BL, Naci L, Parra MA, Pericak-Vance M, Piña-Escudero SD, França Resende EP, Ringman JM, Sevlever G, Slachevsky A, Suemoto CK, Valcour V, Villegas-Lanau A, Yassuda MS, Mahinrad S, Sexton C. Advancements in dementia research, diagnostics, and care in Latin America: Highlights from the 2023 Alzheimer's Association International conference satellite symposium in Mexico City. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Jul;20(7):5009-5026. doi: 10.1002/alz.13850