Early Treatment of Class III Dentofacial Anomalies with Skeletal Anchorage Protocol and Orthopedic Maxillary Expansion-Report of 4 Clinical Cases

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Journal Issue


The resolution of dentofacial anomalies requires interdisciplinary work, ideally from an early age and with interceptive objectives. There are various surgical and non-surgical orthopaedic techniques described for the timely treatment of maxillomandibular dysmorphisms. Among the surgical alternatives, the use of mini plates and skeletal traction screws has allowed great progress in timely treatment of patients with skeletal class III dentofacial anomalies. The purpose of this work is to present the results of 4 pre-adolescent patients with a diagnosis of transverse maxillary compression and skeletal class III where the De Clerck technique with MARPE (Minescrew Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion) therapy was performed; clinically and imaging quantifying the resolution of the pre-existing dentofacial anomaly



Skeletal Class III, Interceptive Treatment, Skeletal Anchorage, De Clerck Anchorage, MARPE


Pedro Tapia C, Javiera Prado N, Fernanda Díaz S,Christopher Reyes, Carlos Becerra M (2024) Early Treatment of Class III Dentofacial Anomalies with Skeletal Anchorage Protocol and Orthopedic Maxillary Expansion-Report of 4 Clinical Cases. Journal of Dental Science Research Reviews & Reports. SRC/JDSR-204. DOI: