Notes from the Field: Scrub Typhus Outbreak - Los Lagos Region, Chile, January-February 2023

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Journal Issue


During January 14–February 14, 2023, a total of 36 cases of suspected scrub typhus were reported from the Los Lagos Region in southern Chile. Scrub typhus is a bacterial disease caused by one of three Orientia spp. and transmitted through bites from infected chiggers (larval mites).




Weitzel T, Martínez-Valdebenito C, Acosta-Jamett G, Abarca K. Notes from the Field: Scrub Typhus Outbreak - Los Lagos Region, Chile, January-February 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023 Jul 7;72(27):753-754. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7227a4