Ferrada, Ximena

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  • Publication
    A tool for universal accessibility assessment in the interior of dwellings
    (2023) Valderrama-Ulloa, Claudia; Ferrada, Ximena; Rouault, Fabien
    The present study proposes a tool for assessing universal accessibility in the interior of apartments, presenting a novel quantitative model for assessing the accessibility of buildings for buyers or tenants. For this, a multicriteria analysis for aggregating the assessment indicators with different units and scales is employed using a unique grade of accessibility according to four main pillars: Autonomy, Mobility, Comfort, and Safety. The assessment method has been applied in 35 show apartments in the urban area of Santiago in Chile. This work shows the application and results of 4 departments. The evaluation results are presented visually with a circular bar plot and a final grade in letter format from F to A. In general, it is observed that the four apartments proposed have a low degree of accessibility (letters F to D). And, the Autonomy pillar is clearly the lowest pillar in the selected apartments.