Muñoz Reyes, José Antonio

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Muñoz Reyes

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José Antonio


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  • Publication
    Testing strategic pluralism: The roles of attractiveness and competitive abilities to understand conditionality in men’s short-term reproductive strategies
    (2020-08) Figueroa, Oriana; Muñoz Reyes, José Antonio; Rodríguez-Sickert, Carlos; Valenzuela, Nohelia; Pavéz, Paula; Ramírez-Herrera, Oriana; Pita, Miguel; Díaz, David; Fernández-Martínez, Ana Belén; Polo, Pablo; Muñoz Reyes, José Antonio
    he decision to allocate time and energy to find multiple sexual partners or raise children is a fundamental reproductive trade-off. The Strategic Pluralism Hypothesis argues that human reproductive strategies are facultatively calibrated towards either investing in mating or parenting (or a mixture), according to the expression of features dependent on the individual's condition. This study seeks to test predictions derived from this hypothesis in a sample of 242 young men (M ± SD = 22.12 ± 3.08) from Chile's 5th Region (33֯ south latitude). Specifically, two predictions were considered that raise questions about the relationship between traits related to physical and psychological attractiveness (fluctuating facial asymmetry and self-perception of attractiveness) and competitive skills (baseline testosterone and self-perception of fighting ability) with short-term reproductive strategies. Our results indicate that psychological features related to the self-perception of physical attractiveness are related to short-term reproductive strategies. However, no evidence was found that fluctuating facial asymmetry, basal levels of testosterone and self-perception of fighting ability were related to short-term reproductive strategies. These results support the existing evidence of the importance of physical attractiveness in calibrating men's reproductive strategies but cast doubts about the role of fluctuating facial asymmetry. They also suggest that traits related to physical attractiveness, in comparison to competitive capabilities, play a more important role in calibrating men's short-term reproductive strategies.
  • Publication
    Muscularity and strength affect individual variation in self-perception of fighting ability in men
    (2019) Muñoz Reyes, José Antonio; Polo, Pablo; Rodríguez-Sickert, Carlos; Pavez, Paula; Valenzuela, Nohelia; Ramírez-Herrera, Oriana; Muñoz Reyes, José Antonio
    Objective: There is evidence that competitive conflicts are the main form of intrasexual competition among men. The capacity to recognize visual cues of fighting ability in competitors is thought to be an important characteristic that allows men to avoid the costs of contest competition. However, for an accurate comparison to take place, individuals need to compare the fighting ability of their competitors to their own to assess this asymmetry. Methods: In order to improve our understanding of this self-assessment process, here we study the relationship between visual fighting ability cues, namely (i) muscularity, as measured with a bioimpedance device, (ii) the real capacity to inflict cost to a rival based on strength, as measured with a hand grip dynamometer (HGS), and (iii) self-perceived fighting ability, as determined with a questionnaire. The study sample was 364 men between 18 and 38 years of age (M ± SD = 22.27 ± 3.99). Results: Our results confirm the expected positive relationship between upper-body muscularity and strength, while controlling for body mass index (BMI). However, muscularity explained only around 30.2% of the variance in strength. In addition, muscularity was related to self-perception of fighting ability in our sample, its effect being partially mediated by strength. Conclusion: The more muscular men perceive their fighting ability as being greater, and not only because they are stronger (at least in the HGS task). Accordingly, it seems that men take into account the overestimation the robustness of the relationship between strength and muscularity that prevails within his peers.
  • Publication
    Are facial width-to-height ratio, 2D:4D digit ratio and skeletal muscle mass related to men dominant behavior in the Chicken Game?
    (2022) Polo, Pablo; Muñoz Reyes, José Antonio; Valenzuela, Nohelia; Cid-Jofré, Valeska; Ramírez-Herrera, Oriana; Pavéz, Paula; Muñoz Reyes, José Antonio
    Facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR), 2D:4D digit ratio and skeletal muscle mass are morphological traits that have been linked to status-seeking behaviors throughout dominance. However, this link has been contested recently, since the empirical evidence about the relationship between these traits and behavior is mixed. In this study, we tested whether fWHR, 2D:4D digit ratio and skeletal muscle mass were related to dominant behavior employing the Chicken Game, an economic game that may represent a good scenario to investigate hierarchy formation and in which these relationships remain untested. We tested this hypothesis in a sample of 210 Chilean young men (mean = 22.43, SD = 4.35 years old) who played the Chicken Game against an anonymous same-sex individual and one-shot. Our results showed that fWHR was related to dominant choices in the Chicken Game, but null results were found for 2D:4D digit ratio and muscle mass. Accordingly, this study suggests that in a challenging but anonymous interaction only fWHR was related to dominance. Further studies using different conditions of anonymity may contribute to clarify the role of these traits in status-seeking behaviors.