Chuecas, María Josefina

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María Josefina


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  • Publication
    Wellbeing, social media addiction and coping strategies among Chilean adolescents during the pandemic
    (2023) Varela, Jorge; Pérez, J. Carola; Rodríguez-Rivas, Matías E.; Chuecas, María Josefina; Romo Neira, Javiera
    Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, adolescents had to deal with a range of mental health problems that has increased social media addiction levels with adverse effects on life satisfaction. Previous studies have explored coping mechanisms to deal with this addiction problem, but did not consider the need to simultaneously cope with different dimensions. Therefore, our study aimed to examine the moderating effect of various coping mechanisms on the relationship between social media addiction and adolescent life satisfaction. Methods: Self-report questionnaires were applied to 1290 secondary school students (age mean = 16.03, SD = 1.27, range: 14 to 19; and 57% female). An exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis were performed to determine the factor structure of the Brief-Cope 28 scale. Then, a descriptive and correlational analysis of the variables and a multiple linear regression analysis was performed. Results: We found that the social media addiction risk was negatively associated with life satisfaction, adaptive strategies were positively correlated to life satisfaction, and maladaptive strategies were negatively correlated to it. Also, a moderation model was evaluated in which four stress management strategies, namely acceptance and perspective-taking, seeking socio-emotional support, active coping, and maladaptive strategies all conditioned the relationship between social media addiction risk and life satisfaction after controlling for demographic variables and the specific strategies of using comedy, religion and substance use. Results indicate additive and multiplicative effects of management strategies for stressful situations in the studied relationship. Seeking socio-emotional support and active coping were positively related to life satisfaction and maladaptive strategies were negatively associated with it. Multiplicative effects indicate that the relationship between the social media addiction risk and life satisfaction depends only on the acceptance and perspective taking that adolescents report. When adolescents reported having low or average levels of acceptance and perspective taking, there was a negative correlation with general life satisfaction, a connection that grew markedly stronger. In contrast, no connection between social media addiction and life satisfaction was detected for adolescents who report higher levels of acceptance and perspective-taking. Discussion: Abuse of social media and the use of maladaptive stress coping strategies were risk factors that decreased life satisfaction among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
  • Publication
    Material Conditions and Their Relationship with Affective Components of Subjective Well-being in Children
    (2024) Ditzel, Ana Loreto; Chuecas, María Josefina; Benavente, María Victoria; Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime; Villarroel Gutiérrez, Alejandra
    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between material conditions, and affective components of subjective well-being in a representative sample, using data from the International Survey of Children’s Well-being (ISCWeB), of 1994 Chilean children in the 5th and 7th grades, with a mean age of 10.50 years (SD = 0.66) and 12.51 years (SD = 0.69), respectively. Descriptive statistical analyses were carried out, in addition to a regression analysis, considering age and gender variables. The main results showed that the majority of children report having material resources in the material conditions associated with basic needs and feeling happier to a greater extent. Regression analysis showed that children’s material conditions had a significant effect on positive and negative affect in both age groups. Children who reported greater access to material conditions had a higher mean positive affect. This effect was greater in the older group of children. In relation to gender, no significant differences were observed between girls and boys in the 10-yearold group, while in the 12-year-old group there were significant differences, both in positive and negative affect, with women reporting lower affective well-being. The results are discussed, which highlight the importance of considering the affective components of children’s subjective well-being when analyzing the material conditions in which they live and the differential effects according to age and gender.