Cabieses, Báltica

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  • Publication
    “Border closure only increased precariousness”: a qualitative analysis of the efects of restrictive measures during the COVID‑19 pandemic on Venezuelan’s health and human rights in South America
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Rocha, Teresita; Olivari, Carla; Martínez, Alejandra; Knipper, Michael
    Background: In 2010, a political and social crisis pushed thousands of Venezuelans out of their country; today, seven million Venezuelans live abroad. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, border closure increased and affected specific vulnerable migration flows, such as Venezuelans trying to migrate to Chile through the Northern borders. In this context, there is little evidence of migrants' health status and needs, their access to health services, and other basic needs (e.g., housing) from a human rights perspective. Therefore, we qualitatively explored the effects of border closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic on Venezuelan migrants' health and human rights, focusing on access to healthcare in the Northern Chilean border that adjoins Peru and Bolivia. Methods: Following a case-study qualitative design, we conducted an ethnography that included participatory observation of relevant sites (e.g., hospitals, main squares, migrant shelters) in Antofagasta, Iquique, and Arica and 30 in-depth interviews with actors in the health sector (n = 7), experts from the non-governmental sector (n = 16), and governmental actors (n = 7) in three large cities close to the Northern border. Results: We found four main dimensions: (i) border and migration processes, (ii) specific groups and intersectionality, (iii) barriers to healthcare services, and (iv) regional and local responses to the crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs characterized by the presence of healthcare providers in the field were essential to attend to migrants' health needs at borders. Conclusions: Coordination between actors is crucial to implement regional protocols that respond to current migration phenomena and migrants' health needs. Health policies using a human rights approach are urgently required to respond to migrants' healthcare needs at borders in South America
  • Publication
    Intersections between gender approaches, migration and health in Latin America and the Caribbean: a discussion based on a scoping review
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Blukacz, Alice; Velázquez, Benelli; Farante, Sofia; Bojórquez, Ietza; Mezones, Edward
    Gender is a sociocultural construct that assigns forms of behaviour, power, and roles to individuals based on their sexual differentiation. There are multiple gender approaches that help distinguish risks, health conditions and behaviours related to the body, health-disease processes, and differential opportunities to access health care. Based on a scoping review of scientific and grey literature in LAC, we discuss existing understandings of international migrants’ health in LAC with a focus on gender approaches. Our discussion covers the following seven dimensions: genderbased violence, sexual and reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, mental health, barriers to healthcare services, and emerging patterns of health and healthcare among men and LGBTIQA+. The evidence indicates the urgent need to adopt gender approaches when addressing migrant and refugee health in LAC. Including gender approaches into ongoing strategies for promoting and protecting the health and rights of migrants and refugees is a pending challenge in the region.
  • Publication
    Barreras para la utilización de servicios de Atención Primaria de Salud en personas migrantes internacionales
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Cruz, Consuelo; Macaya, Gustavo; Urzúa, Alfonso
    Objetivo: analizar las barreras que enfrentan las personas migrantes internacionales al utilizar los servicios de Atención Primaria de salud en la comuna de Antofagasta, Chile. Método: diseño de investigación cualitativa bajo un enfoque interpretativo fenomenológico-descriptivo. Se utilizó un muestreo por conveniencia y por bola de nieve hasta la saturación del discurso. La muestra se conformó por 42 personas mayores de 18 años (personal funcionario y personas migrantes). Se realizaron entrevistas individuales y grupales semiestructuradas. Para el análisis de los datos se llevó a cabo un análisis reflexivo temático, con codificación abierta para la posterior construcción de categorías. Como criterios de calidad se utilizó la triangulación, la confirmabilidad y la reflexividad. Resultados: desde el personal funcionario de salud se identificaron dimensiones como la aceptabilidad del otro, el idioma y la alteridad racializadora. Desde las personas migrantes internacionales se destacó el idioma, el trato discriminatorio y las dificultades en el acceso relacionadas con los procedimientos administrativos para afiliarse al seguro público de salud. Además, se identificaron barreras en las interacciones diarias entre los equipos de salud y las personas migrantes, en las cuales las interpretaciones mutuas de las acciones desempeñan un papel importante. Conclusiones: las barreras existentes en la utilización de los servicios de la Atención Primaria de Salud presentan componentes del sistema asociado a políticas y normativas que en las prácticas se relaciona a un segundo componente, el individual, en donde el personal funcionario y las personas migrantes estarían plasmados en las interacciones cotidianas durante el proceso de atención. Objective: to analyse the barriers faced by international migrants when using Primary Care services in the commune of Antofagasta, Chile. Method: a qualitative research design with an interpretative phenomenological-descriptive approach. Convenience andsnowball sampling was used until the saturation point was reached. The sample was formed by 42 >18-year-old persons (civil servants and migrants). Semi-structured individual and group interviews were conducted. Reflexive-thematic analysis was used for data analysis, with open coding for subsequent category building. The quality criteria used were triangulation, confirmability and reflectivity. Results: the dimensions identified by the health civil servants were: acceptability of the other, language, and racialization otherness. The international migrants highlighted language, discriminatory treatment, and difficulties for access associated with administrative procedures to enrol in the public health system. Moreover, barriers were detected in the daily interactions between health services and migrants, where mutual interpretations of actions played a major role. Conclusions: the current barriers for the use of Primary Care services presented system components associated with policies and rules which in practice are associated with a second component, the individual one, which would be reflected in the daily interactions by civil servants and migrants during the process of care.
  • Publication
    Desafíos para el abordaje de la salud de los migrantes en Chile durante la pandemia por Covid-19: una revisión de alcance
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Obach, Alexandra; Blukacz, Alice; Rada, Isabel; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Mezones, Edward
    Objetivo.Indagar sobre los principales desafíos reportados en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria de SARS-CoV-2 según la evidencia científica disponible a la fecha en esta materia en Chile. Material y métodos. Revisión de alcance con base en tres búsquedas en Web of Science, PubMed y Google Scholar de publicaciones en inglés y español publicadas entre 2020 y 2023. Resultados. Se identificaron tres áreas clave: desafíos de acceso y uso efectivo del sistema de salud, desafíos más allá del sistema de salud, incluyendo aquellas relaciones con determinantes sociales de la salud, autocuidado e información y, finalmente, desafíos de integración de los enfoques de interculturalidad, género y cooperación internacional. Conclusiones. Se evidencian oportunidades de mejorar el abordaje de la salud de personas migrantes internacionales en Chile a raíz de la pandemia por Covid-19, de cara a futuras crisis sanitarias y para reducir brechas e inequidades que impactan la salud poblacional. Objective. To investigate the main challenges in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 health emergency according to the scientific evidence available to date in this area in Chile. Materials and methods. Scoping review based on three searches in Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar of publications in English and Spanish published between 2020 and 2023. Results. Three key areas were identified: the challenges of access and effective use of the health system, the challenges beyond the health system, including those related to social determinants of health, self-care and information, and finally, the challenges of integrating intercultural, gender and international cooperation approaches. Conclusions. There are opportunities to better address the health of international migrants in Chile in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, anticipating future health crises and to reduce gaps and inequities that impact population health.