Cabieses, Báltica

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  • Publication
    The socioeconomic distribution of life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in Chile
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Espinoza, Manuel; Severino, Rodrigo; Balmaceda, Carlos; Abbott, Tomas
    Background: Life expectancy (LE) has usually been used as a metric to monitor population health. In the last few years, metrics such as Quality-Adjusted-Life-Expectancy (QALE) and Health-Adjusted-Life- Expectancy (HALE) have gained popularity in health research, given their capacity to capture health related quality of life, providing a more comprehensive approach to the health concept. We aimed to estimate the distribution of the LE, QALEs and HALEs across Socioeconomic Status in the Chilean population. Methods: Based on life tables constructed using Chiang II´s method, we estimated the LE of the population in Chile by age strata. Probabilities of dying were estimated from mortality data obtained from national registries. Then, life tables were stratified into five socioeconomic quintiles, based on age-adjusted years of education (pre-school, early years to year 1, primary level, secondary level, technical or university). Quality weights (utilities) were estimated for age strata and SES, using the National Health Survey (ENS 2017). Utilities were calculated using the EQ-5D data of the ENS 2017 and the validated value set for Chile. We applied Sullivan´s method to adjust years lived and convert them into QALEs and HALEs. Results: LE at birth for Chile was estimated in 80.4 years, which is consistent with demographic national data. QALE and HALE at birth were 69.8 and 62.4 respectively. Men are expected to live 6.1% less than women. However, this trend is reversed when looking at QALEs and HALEs, indicating the concentration of higher morbidity in women compared to men. The distribution of all these metrics across SES showed a clear gradient in favour of a better-off population-based on education quintiles. The absolute and relative gaps between the lowest and highest quintile were 15.24 years and 1.21 for LE; 18.57 HALYs and 1.38 for HALEs; and 21.92 QALYs and 1.41 for QALEs. More pronounced gradients and higher gaps were observed at younger age intervals. Conclusion: The distribution of LE, QALE and HALEs in Chile shows a clear gradient favouring better-off populations that decreases over people´s lives. Differences in LE favouring women contrast with differences in HALEs and QALEs which favour men, suggesting the need of implementing gender-focused policies to address the case-mix complexity. The magnitude of inequalities is greater than in other high-income countries and can be explained by structural social inequalities and inequalities in access to healthcare.
  • Publication
    The impact of stigma and discrimination-based narratives in the health of migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean: a scoping review
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Rada, Isabel; Belo, Karoline; Rojas, Karol; Araoz, Candelaria; Knipper, Michael
    Stigma and discrimination-based narratives have been associated with adverse health outcomes. Migrants and refugees face multiple barriers to accessing healthcare, influenced by stigma and discrimination-based narratives against them. We conducted a scoping review of scientific and grey literature (n = 61) to discuss available evidence in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) concerning communication and narrative speeches related to international migration and its implications for population health, particularly when associated with stigma and discrimination against migrants and refugees. We found that a better understanding how communication and narratives might affect migrants’ experience while transiting or residing in a different country is valuable for public health and health systems performance aims. Our review depicts the multilevel and dynamic effects of stigma and discrimination-based narratives against migrants in Latin America, highlighting the urgent need for transformative and constructive social and healthcare narratives around migration to promote population health in the region.
  • Publication
    The social and health protection of migrants in Chile: qualitative analysis of civil society proposals for constitutional change
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Obach, Alexandra; Blukacz, Alice; Esnouf, Sophie; Mezones, Edward; Espinoza, Manuel; DeJong, Jocelyn
    Background: A sustained period of social, economic, and political unrest took place during October of 2019 in Chile. As an institutional solution, the "Agreement for Social Peace and the New Constitution" was signed. In this document, most political parties committed to reestablishing peace and public order in Chile, agreeing on the initiation of a constitutional process. To promote participation of civil society actors, the "Popular Initiative for Norms" was enabled. This was a platform where civilians could submit proposals for constitutional norms to be discussed by the Constitutional Convention. We aimed to analyze proposals related to migrants and migrant health. Methods: We conducted a qualitative thematic analysis of the proposals. Sixteen of them were related to migrants, and we analyzed their association to health. We also evaluated their link to the Health Goals 2030 set out by the Chilean Ministry of Health and the Global Action Plan 2019-2023 for Promoting the Health of Refugees and Migrants by the World Health Organization. Results: Four main thematic categories were identified: 1) Humans rights of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers; 2) Nationality and regularization of migrants and refugees; 3) Political participation and cultural integration of migrants and refugees; and 4) Specific regulations on slavery and human trafficking. These resonated with broader frameworks established in the Health Goals 2030 (Chile) and the Global Action Plan 2019-2023 for Promoting the Health of Refugees and Migrants by the World Health Organization. Conclusions: The 'Popular Initiative for Norms' was a non-binding participatory mechanism. Although the proposals sent through were not guaranteed to be included in the constitutional draft-and despite the final draft being rejected last September 2022-the platform allowed to gain insights into civilian opinions. Our findings showed that there is an incipient yet weak recognition of the rights and situation of migrants in Chile. There was no direct mention of health nor an explicit contemplation of social determinants of health. Despite there being an urgent need to define strategies for migrants' health in Chile, this study demonstrated that civil awareness and interest are still insufficient.
  • Publication
    Condiciones de vida de la población migrante venezolana en situación irregular y percepciones sobre la respuesta sanitaria brindada durante la pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 en Chile
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Larenas, Daniel; Torres, Irene; Cubillos, Andrés; Arroyo, Juan
    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar percepciones sobre la situación de la población migrante venezolana en situación irregular durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en Chile y de las estrategias desarrolladas para responder a sus necesidades de salud. Para esto, se desarrolló un análisis temático de 19 entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Se identificó un círculo vicioso de barreras que dificultan la regularización y el acceso al trabajo. Esto produce necesidades de vivienda y dificultades de acceso a salud. No obstante, se reconocen estrategias de acceso a atención y cobertura, capacitación del personal y difusión de información realizadas en el país. Se requiere desarrollar estrategias locales y regionales para resolver los problemas relacionados a la criminalización de las personas migrantes en situación irregular, las trabas de los procesos de regularización, las necesidades básicas no cubiertas y las dificultades asociadas a la garantía del goce del derecho a la salud. O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar as percepções sobre a situação da população migrante venezuelana em situação irregular durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no Chile e as estratégias desenvolvidas para responder às suas necessidades de saúde. Para isso, foi desenvolvida uma análise temática de 19 entrevistas semiestruturadas. Com base nisso, identificou-se um círculo vicioso de barreiras que dificultam a regularização e o acesso ao trabalho. Isso produz carências habitacionais e dificuldades de acesso à saúde. No entanto, são reconhecidas as estratégias de acesso à atenção e cobertura, capacitação de pessoal e divulgação de informações realizadas no país. É necessário desenvolver estratégias regionais e locais para resolver os problemas relacionados com a criminalização de migrantes em situação irregular, os obstáculos ao processo de regularização, as necessidades básicas não cobertas e as dificuldades associadas à garantia do gozo do direito à saúde.
  • Publication
    “Border closure only increased precariousness”: a qualitative analysis of the efects of restrictive measures during the COVID‑19 pandemic on Venezuelan’s health and human rights in South America
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Rocha, Teresita; Olivari, Carla; Martínez, Alejandra; Knipper, Michael
    Background: In 2010, a political and social crisis pushed thousands of Venezuelans out of their country; today, seven million Venezuelans live abroad. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, border closure increased and affected specific vulnerable migration flows, such as Venezuelans trying to migrate to Chile through the Northern borders. In this context, there is little evidence of migrants' health status and needs, their access to health services, and other basic needs (e.g., housing) from a human rights perspective. Therefore, we qualitatively explored the effects of border closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic on Venezuelan migrants' health and human rights, focusing on access to healthcare in the Northern Chilean border that adjoins Peru and Bolivia. Methods: Following a case-study qualitative design, we conducted an ethnography that included participatory observation of relevant sites (e.g., hospitals, main squares, migrant shelters) in Antofagasta, Iquique, and Arica and 30 in-depth interviews with actors in the health sector (n = 7), experts from the non-governmental sector (n = 16), and governmental actors (n = 7) in three large cities close to the Northern border. Results: We found four main dimensions: (i) border and migration processes, (ii) specific groups and intersectionality, (iii) barriers to healthcare services, and (iv) regional and local responses to the crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs characterized by the presence of healthcare providers in the field were essential to attend to migrants' health needs at borders. Conclusions: Coordination between actors is crucial to implement regional protocols that respond to current migration phenomena and migrants' health needs. Health policies using a human rights approach are urgently required to respond to migrants' healthcare needs at borders in South America
  • Publication
    Enfermedades raras y trayectorias terapéuticas de pacientes: ¿qué sabemos hoy?
    (2022) Cabieses, Báltica; Campaña, Carla
    Antecedentes y objetivos: Las enfermedades raras (ER) son un grupo de trastornos muy heterogéneos, definidos según su incidencia. Dada sus características singulares, las experiencias del paciente y la familia con ER son únicas. La investigación sobre trayectorias terapéuticas de pacientes (TTP) es importante para mejorar la atención médica, pero los estudios sobre TTP y ER son limitados. Nuestro objetivo fue desarrollar una síntesis narrativa de la evidencia científica para conocer la información disponible en la literatura sobre trayectorias terapéuticas de pacientes con enfermedades raras y contribuir como insumo a la creación de propuestas en el contexto del plan nacional y leyes específicas. Método(s) y resultados: Realizamos una revisión narrativa de literatura científica. La búsqueda se realizó en PubMed (2021), incluyendo estudios con TTP con ER, familiares o cuidadores, sin filtros. Identificamos seis temas principales en las TTP: diagnóstico, tratamiento, costo, calidad de vida, informante clave y aportes tecnológicos. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos sugieren que comprender las TTP podría ayudar a reconocer el tiempo efectivo para diagnósticos, tratamientos y capacidad de respuesta de los sistemas de salud. La perspectiva de pacientes y familias con ER debe incluirse como parte de la agenda de investigación y política.
  • Publication
    "Healthcare should be the same for everyone": perceived inequities in therapeutic trajectories of adult patients with lung cancer in Chile, a qualitative study
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Obach, Alexandra; Campaña, Carla; Vezzani, Francisca
    Background: Globally, it has been reported that different social determinants of health affect health outcomes in lung cancer (LC). Research on the therapeutic trajectories of patients (TTP) is a novel field for identifying barriers and facilitators in health. The objective of this study was to reveal perceived differences in TTP with LC in Chile according to selected social determinants of health (SDH) and the experiences of patients, health professionals, and civil society leaders. Methods: This is a qualitative paradigm, one case-study design. Online semi-structured interviews were conducted with patients with LC, health professionals, and civil society leaders. The strategies for the recruitment process included social networks, civil society organizations, health professionals, and the snowball technique. A thematic analysis was carried out. Results: Selected SDH impact LC's TTP in Chile, particularly concerning health system access, health services, information, and patient navigation experiences. The analysis of the experiences of the participants allowed us to identify barriers related to the selected SDH in three stages of the TTP: initiation, examinations, and diagnosis and treatment. Individuals with limited education, those residing outside the capital, women, and those in the public health system encountered more barriers throughout their TTP. Discussion: Study findings suggest that being a woman with low education, from the public health system, and not from the capital might represent one of the most powerful intersections for experiencing barriers to effective healthcare in LC in Chile. It is necessary to monitor the TTP from an SDH perspective to guarantee the rights of access, opportunity, quality, and financial protection.
  • Publication
    Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en chilenos de comunas vulnerables
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Rada, Isabel; Ortiz, Manuel
    Objetivo La pandemia de COVID-19 y la crisis sociosanitaria resultante tuvieron impacto sobre el bienestar de la población. La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) podría verse afectada, principalmente en condición de vulnerabilidad social. El objetivo fue analizar la CVRS y las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento EQ-5D en población chilena adulta de comunas vulnerables de la Región Metropolitana. Método Estudio transversal realizado durante la cuarentena de abril-junio de 2021. Se seleccionaron 500 adultos residentes en comunas de Chile que completaron por videollamada un cuestionario estructurado incluyendo el instrumento EQ-5D. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y factoriales confirmatorios del modelo reflectivo tradicional. Resultados La edad promedio fue de 36,36 ± 12,41 años, la mayoría reportaron un nivel educativo secundario y estar empleado. Con respecto al instrumento EQ-5D, se encontró mayor afectación en la dimensión dolor/malestar y ansiedad/depresión. El estado de salud global evaluado con la escala visual análoga fue de 73,0 ± 19,71 puntos. El modelo evaluado presentó un ajuste adecuado: χ2 = 6.992, p = 0.221, CFI = 0.996, TLI = 0.993, RMSEA = 0.028 (IC90%: 0.000-0.073) y SRMR = 0.067. Además, los ítems de la escala resultaron buenos indicadores del constructo de interés. Conclusiones En contexto de pandemia, la población estudiada presentó mayor afectación en las dimensiones dolor/molestia y ansiedad/depresión. El instrumento EQ-5D es una herramienta útil para estimar la CVRS en población chilena en contexto de pandemia. Además, la evidencia psicométrica respalda la unidimensionalidad del constructo y la potencial utilidad de descomponer su análisis. Objective The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting social and health crisis impacted the well-being of the population. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) could be affected, mainly in conditions of social vulnerability. The objective was to analyze the HRQoL and the psychometric properties of the EQ-5D instrument in adult Chilean population from vulnerable communes of the Metropolitan Region. Method Cross-sectional study carried out during quarantine period April to June 2021. Five hundred adults residing in Chilean communes were selected and completed a structured questionnaire by video-call, including the EQ-5D instrument. Descriptive analyzes and confirmatory factor analyzes of the traditional reflective model were performed. Results The age of the sample was 36.36 ± 12.41 years, the majority reported having a secondary education level and being employed. Regarding the EQ-5D instrument, the most affected dimensions were pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. The global health status was 73.0 ± 19.71 points. The model showed an adequate fit: χ2 = 6.992, p = 0.221, CFI = 0.996, TLI = 0.993, RMSEA = 0.028 (90% CI: 0.000–0.073) and SRMR = 0.067. In addition, the items of the scale were good indicators of the construct of interest. Conclusions In a pandemic context, the population was mostly affected by pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. The EQ-5D instrument is a useful tool to estimate CRSV in the Chilean population in the context of pandemic. In addition, the psychometric evidence supports the dimensionality of the construct and the potential utility of decomposing its analysis.
  • Publication
    Quemaduras: ¿por qué prestarles especial atención a los adolescentes en América Latina y El Caribe desde un enfoque de prevención primaria en salud?
    (2023) Blukacz, Alice; Cabieses, Báltica; Obach, Alexandra; Fuentes, Rodrigo; Carmina, Domic; Peredes, Carola; Saavedra, Rolando; Rojas, Jorge
    La evidencia existente en materia de quemaduras en población menor de edad a nivel global se ha enfocado principalmente en niños y niñas menores de 10 años, dejando atrás al grupo etario definido como "adolescente" por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Sin embargo, la etapa de la adolescencia presenta características propias que la diferencian de los rangos etarios menores con respecto a las quemaduras. Estas diferencias son relevantes desde una perspectiva de prevención primaria, la cual se centra en evitar la enfermedad o lesión. En este contexto, el presente artículo reflexiona en torno a los motivos por los cuales es necesario prestarles especial atención a las y los adolescentes en el marco de la prevención primaria de las quemaduras, con relevancia para Latinoamérica y El Caribe. Primero, los escenarios de quemaduras en adolescentes muchas veces se vinculan con la participación en actividades de riesgo por presión, deseabilidad social o baja percepción de los riesgos asociados. Segundo, es importante recalcar que los adolescentes pueden experimentar vulnerabilidad social, la cual los puede exponer al riesgo de sufrir una quemadura intencional o no. Tercero, el riesgo de quemaduras en adolescentes se puede asociar con la salud mental y escenarios de autolesión. Se requiere indagar en estos aspectos, tanto a través de estudios cuantitativos epidemiológicos como de estudios cualitativos, para poder diseñar e implementar estrategias de prevención primarias relevantes para este grupo de población en la región.
  • Publication
    Acceso a salud de migrantes internacionales en pandemia en Chile: resultados de encuesta cuantitativa
    (2023) Cabieses, Báltica; Blukacz, Alice; Obach, Alexandra; CARREÑO CALDERON, ALEJANDRA; Oyarte, Marcela; Alvarez, Maria; Osse, Claudio; Mezones, Edward
    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar barreras de acceso a la atención de salud en Chile reportadas por migrantes internacionales residentes en la región metropolitana del país y factores asociados. Para ello, se aplicó una encuesta en formato digital sobre vulnerabilidades y recursos de comunidades migrantes en Chile para enfrentar la pandemia SARS-CoV-2. Se realizó análisis descriptivo y estratificado por variables demográficas, socioeconómicas, tipo de previsión de salud y estatus migratorio. Como resultados, inmigrantes provenientes de Haití reportaron el mayor porcentaje de barreras de acceso a la atención en salud, esto tras ajustar por variables sociodemográficas y estatus migratorio. The objective of the study was to analyze barriers to access to health care in Chile reported by international migrants residing in the metropolitan region of the country and associated factors. For this purpose, a digital survey on vulnerabilities and resources of migrant communities in Chile to face the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was applied. A descriptive and stratified analysis was performed by demographic and socioeconomic variables, type of health provision and migratory status. As results, immigrants from Haiti reported the highest percentage of barriers to health care access, after adjusting for socio-demographic variables and migratory status.