Schonhaut , Luisa

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Luisa Schonhaut Berman

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  • Publication
    Reliability and acceptability of web-based administration of Spanish ages and stages questionnaires third edition
    (2023) Schonhaut , Luisa; Armijo, Ivan; Rojas, Paula; Cabrera, Leonardo; Boisier, Roberto
    To analyse the reliability of 6 age intervals of Spanishweb-based Ages and Stages Questionnaires Third Edition(WB-ASQ-3) and parents' acceptability, in a clinical practicecontext, during COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Chile.Cross-sectional study with a longitudinal component. Inter-nal consistency was analysed by Cronbach's alpha and Pear-son product–moment correlation, Pearson's correlationsbetween intervals questionnaires were analysed. Accept-ability was determined using a parental satisfaction survey.1061 children completed 2318 validated questionnaires.Scores were compared with normative sample, except forGross motor at 8 and 12 months, and Communication at12, 18 and 24 months, without differences to the previousChileans sample. In domain analysis, Cronbach's alpharanged from 0.36 to 0.80 and reached 0.74 to 0.81 for theoverall test. Strong positive correlation between the domainand overall score was obtained. Correlation between mostquestionnaires at different ages was positive and significant.Parental surveys show high satisfaction; parents werethankful for being able to monitor children's development.WB-ASQ-3 is a reliable and feasible screening system, par-ticularly when the test is taken as a whole, rather than by domains. It is remarkably high acceptability among parents,especially in complex times such as the lockdown and theCOVID-19 pandemic.
  • Publication
    Cien años de salud en un contexto demográfico, epidemiológico y de políticas públicas: la transición de la morbilidad infantil y sus desafíos
    (2022) Schonhaut , Luisa; Zepeda, Ana; Rojas, Paula
    Chile se encuentra en una etapa avanzada de la transición demográfica y epidemiológica. Es ese escenario sobrevino la crisis política, económica y sanitaria, con el estallido social el 2019 y luego la pandemia de COVID-19. La mortalidad de niños(as) y adolescentes cayó significativamente, no obstante, los cambios en los estilos de vida y la desmotivación, asociada a largo confinamiento y empeoramiento de la salud de los padres y cuidadores desencadenaron una epidemia de problemas de salud mental, del desarrollo y nutricionales. Los pediatras se tuvieron que reinventar, exponiéndose al distrés y burnout. El objetivo del manuscrito es describir el contexto demográfico, epidemiológico y de políticas públicas de la salud infantil en Chile en el último siglo, como telón de fondo para dimensionar el impacto inmediato de la pandemia de COVID-19. Se discuten los nuevos desafíos en la salud para este grupo etario a mediano y largo plazo. Se exponen algunas teorías, conceptualizaciones e hitos relevantes del sistema de la salud pública en Chile. Se plantea la emergencia de “morbilidad postpandemia”, como son el sedentarismo, inseguridad alimentaria, adicción a las pantallas, conflictos de identidad, violencia, trastornos en la esfera de la salud mental y reemergencia de morbimortalidad por enfermedades infectocontagiosas. Los profesionales encargados del cuidado de los niños tienen que redoblar sus esfuerzos para otorgar una atención integral, acompañando a las familias en los nuevos desafíos, para rehabilitar una infancia saludable. Chile is in an advanced stage of demographic and epidemiological transition. It is in this scenario that the political, economic and health crisis occurred, with the social outbreak in 2019 and then the COVID-19 pandemic. The mortality of children and adolescents dropped significantly, however, changes in lifestyles and demotivation, associated with long confinement and worsening health of parents and caregivers triggered an epidemic of mental health, developmental and nutritional problems. Pediatricians were forced to reinvent themselves, exposing themselves to stress and burnout. The aim of the manuscript is to describe the demographic, epidemiological and public policy context of child health in Chile in the last century, as a backdrop to dimension the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new health challenges for this age group in the medium and long term are discussed. Some theories, conceptualizations, and relevant milestones of the public health system in Chile are presented. The emergence of “post-pandemic morbidity”, such as sedentary lifestyle, food insecurity, screen addiction, identity conflicts, violence, mental health disorders and reemergence of morbidity and mortality due to infectious and contagious diseases is discussed. Professionals responsible for the care of children must redouble their efforts to provide comprehensive care, accompanying families in the new challenges, in order to rehabilitate a healthy childhood.