Person: Ramírez, Diego
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Publication Enhanced social connectivity in hybrid classrooms versus academic centrality in online settings(2023) Pulgar, Javier; Ramírez, Diego; Candia Vallejos, CristianSocial learning, the ability to perceive, interpret, and assess the behavior of one’s peers, is crucial for forming meaningful relationships and succeeding in various learning environments. Yet, the rise of online and hybrid settings poses new challenges to socialization. Here, we study the social interactions among 191 high school physics students in Chile, comparing online and hybrid classrooms that were assigned in the COVID-19 pandemic context. We found that students in hybrid settings were more connected and more likely to form casual relationships outside their immediate friend groups, which allowed them to gather new information from diverse sources. Along the same lines, in online classrooms, students who excelled in physics occupied more central positions in social networks. This trend was not evident in hybrid settings, suggesting that when social cues are limited, academic performance gains greater importance in establishing social hierarchies and potentially limiting access to diverse information. Our study highlights the importance of social interactions in educational contexts and raises questions about the impact of relational inaccessibility on virtual learning.Publication Linfangioma Oral en Paciente con Síndrome Koolen de Vries: Presentación de Caso y Revisión de Literatura(2024) Stierling, María; Ramírez, Diego; Sebastián LazoLos linfangiomas son tumores benignos hamartomatosos de los vasos linfáticos, originadas de un secuestro del saco linfático y agrandados por un inadecuado drenaje a la falta de comunicación con los canales linfáticos centrales o a la secreción excesiva de células de revestimiento. La incidencia de estos tumores en el sistema linfático es baja con una frecuencia de 1,2 a 2,8/1.000 en niños, sin predilección por sexo. En el territorio maxilofacial se pueden distinguir tres tipos de linfangioma: linfangioma simple, linfangioma cavernoso e higroma quístico o linfangioma quístico. Clínicamente estas lesiones se presentan como masas de tejido blando indoloras y de crecimiento lento. Su aspecto clínico depende de la extensión de la lesión. Diversos métodos de tratamiento para el linfangioma han sido reportados en la literatura, siendo la escisión quirúrgica la indicada, principalmente cuando estructuras vitales no están involucradas en la lesión. En este artículo se presenta un caso de una paciente femenina de 13 años con un aumento de volumen en el bermellón del labio superior, con antecedente de síndrome Koolen De Vries, a la cual se le realizó la exéresis de la lesión. Lymphangiomas are benign hamartomatous tumors of the lymphatic vessels, originating from a sequestration of the lymphatic sac and enlarged by inadequate drainage, lack of communication with the central lymphatic channels or excessive secretion of lining cells. The incidence of these tumors in the lymphatic system is low, with a frequency of 1.2 to 2.8/1000 in children, with no predilection for sex. Three types of lymphangioma can be distinguished in the maxillofacial territory: simple lymphangioma, cavernous lymphangioma, and cystic hygroma or cystic lymphangioma. Clinically, these lesions present as painless, slow-growing soft tissue masses. Their clinical appearance depends on the extent of the lesion. Various treatment methods for lymphangioma have been reported in the literature, with surgical excision being indicated mainly when vital structures are not involved in the lesion. This article presents a case of a 13-year-old female patient with an increase in volume in the vermilion of the upper lip, with a history of Koolen De Vries syndrome, in which the excision of the lesion was performed.