Varela, Jorge

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  • Publication
    Covitality and life satisfaction: a multilevel analysis of bullying experiences and their relation with School attachment
    (2023) Varela, Jorge; De Tezanos-Pinto, Pablo; Guzmán, Paulina; Cuevas-Pavincich, Francisca; Benavente, Mariavictoria; Furlong, Michael; Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime
    Adolescent mental health research highlights the importance of individual strengths and well-being, which have been organized by different conceptual models. The covitality model is one example that proposes a meta-construct integrating different domains. Even though some prior research examines the relationship between covitality and bullying, there is a research gap regarding the specific mechanisms involved. In this study, we examined how school bullying may be asso ciated with covitality and life satisfaction and how this relationship may be mediated by school attachment. We used a multilevel analysis with 1,697 students (51% female, age: M=12.25, SD=2.11) from 62 classrooms in Chile. Our results show that at the individual level, victims of bullying report lower levels of well-being and covitality, which is explained by lower levels of school attachment. Bullying was also associated with higher levels of life satisfaction and covitality at the classroom level, and the relationship with covitality may also be partly explained by school attachment. These results underscore the importance of bullying prevention at the individual and the classroom level and the relevance of contextual variables in understanding its effects.
  • Publication
    Docentes en Chile durante la Pandemia COVID: Un estudio cuantitativo sobre sus emociones, bienestar y desgaste profesional
    (2023) Guzmán, Paulina; Varela, Jorge; Oriol,Xavier; Canales, Arnaldo; Quintana, Arturo
    La pandemia ha impactado la vida de las personas, especialmente, en la escuela. Sin embargo, no existen estudios en Chile que hayan examinado las implicancias en los docentes de este nuevo contexto. El estudio caracteriza el bienestar de docentes chilenos a partir de diferentes variables, claves para la enseñanza y aprendizaje, tales como el desgaste laboral, el bienestar docente, al igual que sus emociones positivas y negativas, como también el apoyo social percibido. Para estos fines se usó una muestra de 635 docentes, 40.66 años en promedio, en su mayoría mujeres (92,3%). Los resultados arrojaron que los profesores de menor edad experimentan mayores emociones negativas y desgaste, las mujeres, mayor desgaste psíquico que los hombres, mientras que los docentes de colegios particulares subvencionados menores índices de bienestar. Se discuten las implicancias de estos resultados en las intervenciones la importancia de generar instancias de apoyo para el ejercicio de su profesión.