Rosas Vera, JoséStrabucchi Chambers, WrenFernández Valbuena, Pilar2018-08-162018-08-162016Vera, J. R., Chambers, W. S., & Valbuena, P. F. (2016). Santiago, Ciudad Capital: Las Formas de la Periferia, 1836-1875. Estudios del Hábitat, 14(2), . the first half of the XIX century, Santiago territorial scale registers, two ways of growth that precedes to the urban expansion and modernization to be inaugurated towards 1870: one, by extending the model of the foundational grid and other, by creating autonomous centres in strategic positions that intensify rural land in areas adjacent to the central city. Confirm this process, derived from rural migration and population increases, three episodes constitute the first units of residential composition and places with their own identity out of the watercourses that limited the consolidated urban grid until 1841. These isolated operations, reveals new processes of transformation of the territory and the strength of an incipient phase of metropolization of nineteenth-century city; however, in a general reading they have been minimized in urban history and invisibilized in the cartographic records of Santiago.enSantiagoGridExpansionModernizationTerritorySantiago, Ciudad Capital: Las Formas de la Periferia, 1836-1875Santiago, Capital City: Forms of the Periphery, 1836-1875Article