Sizer Jr, Phillip SMauri, Manuel VicenteLearman, KennethJones, ClareGill, Norman 'Skip'Showalte, ChrisBrismée, Jean-Michel2021-12-212021-12-212016Sizer PS Jr, Mauri MV, Learman K, Jones C, Gill N', Showalter CR, Brismée JM. Should evidence or sound clinical reasoning dictate patient care? J Man Manip Ther. 2016 Jul;24(3):117-9. manual physical therapy (OMPT) practice incorporates an evidence-based practice (EBP) model, including research integration, clinical expertise, and patient values and circumstances. Contemporary EBP focuses on written words in peer-reviewed research manuscripts, frequently de-emphasizing other critical components. While EBP was originally developed to increase use of epidemiology and statistics in clinician practice, it was never intended to de-emphasize the clinician’s expertise or a patient’s biology, beliefs, and valuesen-USEvidence-based practicePatientsClinical ExpertiseShould evidence or sound clinical reasoning dictate patient care?Article