Capriel, Lula2022-01-072022-01-072021Base, Diseño e Innovación, 2021, Vol.6, Nº5, pp.274-281 America has the potential to strengthen its impact on the world, improve the quality of life of its population (Luzardo, 789:), and generate new economic dynamics through its creative industries. today all societies and economies face new challenges, where design can and must play a crucial role in driving a revival towards a sustainable and balanced path that incorporates its vision and values, contributing to ecological, social and economic development. the challenge is to generate strategic solutions driven by the noble part of design, aligned with the actions that frame the vision of the future of work as a support for the planet, management of new technologies and economies, climate change, among others. Nuba is a co-design methodological proposal inspired by nature and oriented to generate strategies, products and services with a route of balance and sustainable development. its goal is to drive design towards an interdisciplinary connection with government, private and academic sectors to create solutions of local and global impact, enabling a sense of belonging and responsibility that broadens its criteria to plan the future as a living ecosystemenDiseño sustentableDesarrollo sostenibleNuba. Diseño centrado en la naturaleza / Nuba. Nature-centric designNuba. Nature-centric designArticle