Izquierdo, Ximena2022-01-062022-01-062021Base, Diseño e Innovación, 2021, Vol.6, Nº5, pp.282-289http://hdl.handle.net/11447/5370The reflection that we make as educators is to question where we contribute more, whether in the technical or in the ethical. Our conclusion is that both are indissoluble. Contributing to the formation of character, generates emotionally solid students, kind, frank, reflective, and motivated to learn individuals; therefore, happier in the professional path they chose. We must support the development of prudence in students, which is the virtue to contribute to the common good, a fundamental objective of education in the field of design, because it motivates us to stop and observe, consciously and with distance, the constant invasion of objects, images and messages that perhaps represent nothing to us. As affirmed by Byung-Chul Han: Instill contact with reality: colors, smells, sensationsenEtica profesionalDocentesEnseñanza de la éticaDiseñoLa ética en la formación en diseño: una mirada desde la práctica / Ethics in design training: An approach from practiceEthics in design training: An approach from practiceArticle