Martínez Mauvezin, Natalia2024-11-142024-11-142024-11Martínez, N. (2024). Urban voids and their possible futures.: Architectural Strategies for Social Inclusion . Base Diseño E Innovación, 9(10), 162–179. article communicates project research1 and its subsequent development2 at the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of Universidad de la República. The school's architectural programme includes a care and reintegration centre for people in street situations in Montevideo, Uruguay. The study aims to think about new ways of inhabiting the city sustainably and equitably. The methods employed are mapping, interviews, surveys, and literature reviews. The project investigates the relationship between homelessness and the problem of voids in consolidated and served areas of cities. As a result, a project is developed to decant and verify the operability of the research, proposing a sustainable and disruptive solution to both problems by intensifying the territory and avoiding processes of social gentrification.18 p.enVacíos urbanosCrisis habitacionalCiudad consolidadaIntensificaciónEquidad socio-territorialVacíos urbanos y sus futuros posibles: estrategias arquitectónicas para la inclusión social / Urban voids and their possible futures: architectural strategies for social inclusionUrban voids and their possible futures: architectural strategies for social inclusionArticle