Undurraga, JuanKang, SimTondo, LeonardoGorodischer, ArielAzua, EmilioTay, KaiTan, DavidBaldessarini, Ross2020-08-312020-08-312019-02J Psychopharmacol . 2019 Feb;33(2):167-176. doi: 10.1177/0269881118822161.https://doi.org/10.1177/0269881118822161http://hdl.handle.net/11447/3383Background: The potential value of lithium treatment in particular aspects of unipolar major depressive disorder remains uncertain. Methods: With reports of controlled trials identified by systematic searching of Medline, Cochrane Library, and PsycINFO literature databases, we summarized responses with lithium and controls followed by selective random-effects meta-analyses. Results: We identified 36 reports with 39 randomized controlled trials: six for monotherapy and 12 for adding lithium to antidepressants for acute major depression, and 21 for long-term treatment. Data for monotherapy of acute depression were few and inconclusive. As an adjunct to antidepressants, lithium was much more effective than placebo ( p<0.0001). For long-term maintenance treatment, lithium was more effective than placebo in monotherapy ( p=0.011) and to supplement antidepressants ( p=0.038), and indistinguishable from antidepressant monotherapy. Conclusions: The findings indicate efficacy of lithium as a treatment for some aspects of major depressive disorder, especially as an add-on to antidepressants and for long-term prophylaxis. It remains uncertain whether some benefits of lithium treatment occur with many major depressive disorder patients, or if efficacy is particular to a subgroup with bipolar disorder-like characteristics or mixed-features.enLithiumSystematic reviewUnipolar major depression.Lithium treatment for unipolar major depressive disorder: Systematic reviewArticle