Fossa, Pablo2019-04-182019-04-182018Mindfulness & Compassion, 2018, 3(2), 91-108 aim of this article was to develop an understanding of embodied mind theory by integrating postulates from other traditions in psychology that have not been contemplated when conceptualizing the embodiment theory. For this, we review the conceptualization carried out by Francisco Varela, as the main author who has developed the embodied mind theory in psychology. Additionally, the theory of expression is revisited -a long tradition in psychology not contemplated in the works of Varela- with the aim of completing the current postulates of embodied mind theory. It is concluded that the postulates of the expression theory have not been incorporated into Varela’s work and we reflect on the importance of making an integration between the expression theory and the embodied mind theory in order to complete the understanding of what we call “the embodied” in the psychological experienceenEmbodied MindTheory of ExpressionPhysiognomic perceptionOrganismic experiencePhenomenologyWhat is "the embodied" when we says Embodied Mind?¿Que es "Lo encarnado" cuando hablamos de mente encarnada?Article