Darritchon Lama, SofíaDíaz García, DiegoToledo Complido, MarcelaLucero, Yalda2024-05-062024-05-062023Andes pediatrica 2023;94(6):721-728 DOI: 10.32641/andespediatr.v94i6.4748https://hdl.handle.net/11447/8708Helicobacter pylori infection is a common condition that, in the long term, is associated with the development of peptic ulcer disease and eventually gastric cancer, which could be prevented with timely treatment. Optimally, eradication success should be greater than 90%, but the recommended empirical reatments do not achieve these rates in real-life conditions. Objective: To determine the success rate of first-line empirical eradication treatment against H. pylori in pediatric patients treated in a tertiary hospital. Patients and Method: Retrospective descriptive study in patients with H. pylori infection detected in gastric biopsies and who had received first-line antibiotic treatment during the period 2017-2021. A negative result of an antigen test in stools or new iopsies after ≥ 1 month after8p.enAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Chile (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CL)Helicobacter pyloriChildAnti-Infective AgentsGastric CancerSuccessful eradication rate of Helicobacter pylori with empirical antibiotic treatment in pediatric patients from a Tertiary HospitalPorcentaje de éxito de erradicación de Helicobacter pylori con tratamiento antibiótico empírico en pacientes pediátricos de un Hospital TerciarioArticlehttps://doi.org/10.32641/10.32641/andespediatr.v94i6.4748