Kaiser Mansilla, Carlos2017-01-272017-01-272015Disability and Disaster, 2015, chapter 14, Part of the series Disaster Studies pp 111-113http://hdl.handle.net/11447/975I was born on October 19, 1974 in Santiago, Chile. Due to a syndrome called Meromelia, I was born with all of my limbs incomplete. Chile of the late twentieth century was a very hostile society toward people with disabilities, without accessibility in the buildings and streets. When I was supposed to attend school, education was denied to me, but I was accepted in a Catholic school called “Inmaculada Concepción de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes” located in Penaflor Town. There, I was raised as one of the kids.en-USDisabled personDisaster planningDisastersChileInclusive Risk ManagementCapítulo de Libro