Keller, AndrésWagner, EmilioWagner, PabloZanolli, DiegoClínica Alemana de Santiago, Universidad del Desarrollo de SantiagoMococain, Pablo2022-07-112022-07-112019 There is still no consensus in the literature regarding the ideal treatment of acute Achilles tendon ruptures. Materials & Methods. We conducted a selective literature review and analyzed our own results. Results. Open surgery offers good functional results, but presents high rates of surgical wound complications. Conservative treatment is also described as a good option, but rerupture rates are significantly higher than with surgical treatment. On the other hand, percutaneous treatment offers great functional outcomes with minimal soft tissue damage, making it for us our treatment of choice in this type of injury. Outlook. In Chile, we have been developing some modifications to the original technique described by the Dresden Group in order to increase tensile forces of the repair and offer our patients a quicker and safer recovery.enAchilles tendonRuptureAcuteSuture percutaneousDresden InstrumentAchillessehneRupturAkutNahtPerkutanDresdner InstrumentPercutaneus repair in acute Achilles tendon rupture. Our experience in ChilePerkutane Naht der Achillessehnenruptur. Unsere Erfahrungen in ChileArticle