Cabrera, RaúlSabatini, NataliaUrrutia, MauricioSepúlveda, Rodrigo2017-04-182017-04-182013Revista Chilena de Infectología, 2013, 30(1):90-93 nigra is a superficial mycosis caused by Hortaea werneckii. It is an infrequent asymptomatic infection that affects mainly human palms and soles, and it is mostly seen in tropical countries. It has not been reported in Chile yet. The clinical presentation is generally a single macule, not symptomatic, of brown color in palms and soles. We report a case of a Chilean woman that developed brown macules on both soles after travel to the United States and Central America. The diagnosis of Tinea nigra was confirmed by direct microscopic examination and mycological culture. She had a good response to treatment with oral itraconazol.4spaTinea nigraskinHortaea werneckiidermatoscopyChileTiña negra (tinea nigra): comunicación de un caso alóctono en ChileTinea Nigra: a allochthonous case report in ChileArtículo