Ciola, Giulia2024-11-142024-11-142024-11Ciola, G. (2024). Prácticas textiles centradas en el suelo: Diseñar textiles para eliminar los residuos y regenerar el suelo mediante el compostaje. Base Diseño E Innovación, 9(10), 134–149. from the reckless exploitation of soil as a resource at humans’ disposal, this research highlights the role of the textile industry in regard to the soil and voices the urgency to explore practices of restoration through a regenerative material approach. From circular economy to regenerative agriculture, design has the power and responsibility to exercise its impactful role in influencing a general mindshift within the industry and to sketch out ‘preferable scenarios,’ both through speculative and practical actions. This paper surveys the literature on practices and methodologies that concern the soil ecosystem. Drawing the lines between soil-agriculture-textile, the investigation proposes to look at the soil-origin of textiles and to practice natural circular ways through clothes-composting. Ultimately it is a reflection on the potential of a soil-centric textile industry in which waste does not exist as such but it rather turns into new ‘food’ pursuing its natural cyclicity and regenerating the ecosystem.16 p.enIndustria textilProtección ambientalMateriales recicladosDiseño regenerativoPrácticas textiles centradas en el suelo: diseñar textiles para eliminar los residuos y regenerar el suelo mediante el compostaje / Soil-centric textile practices: designing textiles to phase out waste and regenerate the soil through compostingSoil-centric textile practices: designing textiles to phase out waste and regenerate the soil through compostingArticle