gt2PParada, Guillermo2022-01-102022-01-102021Base, Diseño e Innovación, 2021, Vol.6, N°5, pp.172-175 winter, Miami Design District invites architects, designers and artists to create an installation on Paseo Ponti,the heart of the neighborhood, with the purpose of generating a unique experience for its visitors. The installation must be integrated into the architecture, vegetation and works of art existing on the site; among them, works by Buckminster Fuller and French designers Ronan & ErwanBourellec and Zaha Hadid.In 2020, the call was made in collaboration with the curators of Anava Projects and invited four teams to reflect upon the topic of energy – both the energy we consume and the energy we contribute to the world – and, at the same time, propose concrete actions to contribute to a more resilient, healthy and equitable Miami.enMiami Design DistrictPaseo PontiEnergíaInstalaciones interactivasEspacio públicoConscious actions. Aportando al tejido cultural en el espacio público / Conscious actions. Contributing to the cultural fabric in the public spaceConscious actions. Contributing to the cultural fabric in the public spaceArticle