Guerrero, MaribelMandakovic, VesnaApablaza, MauricioArriagada, Verónica2022-03-152022-03-152021Guerrero, M., Mandakovic, V., Apablaza, M. et al. Are migrants in/from emerging economies more entrepreneurial than natives?. Int Entrep Manag J 17, 527–548 (2021). academic debate in migrant entrepreneurship has mainly focused on movements from emerging economies into developed economies. Anecdotal evidence has suggested that the highest impact is generated by migrants in/from emerging economies. To extend this academic discussion in the Latin-American context, this study investigates why migrants are more entrepreneurial than natives. By adopting the human capital and the institutional approach, we theorize that individual and environmental conditions produce selection/discrimination effects in the host labour market. Consequently, these effects influence migrants’ decision to become entrepreneurs. We tested our hypotheses using a sample of 13,368 adults between the ages of 18–64 based across the 16 Chilean regions. Our results showed that being a high-skilled migrant in a dynamic emerging economy is not a guarantee of success in the labour market, but it is a determinant of international and necessity-driven entrepreneurship. Several implications and a provocative discussion emerged from these findings.enHuman capitalInstitutional economicsMigrant entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship qualityInternationalizationEmerging economiesAre migrants in/from emerging economies more entrepreneurial than natives?Article