Valenzuela, Rodrigo A.Flores, IvánPujol, MyriamLlanos, CarolinaCarreño, EsterRada, GabrielHerbort Jr, Carl P.Cuitino, LoretoUrzúa, Cristhian2021-08-202021-08-202020Ocular Immunology and Inflammation. 2020 Sep 4;1-6 To evaluate the different definition of refractoriness in uveitis in the literature. Methods: We systematically searched the literature in order to identify definitions of refractory noninfectious uveitis in adult patients. A search strategy in the databases of MEDLINE and Scopus was used to find articles published between January 2005 and October 2018. Results: Definitions of corticosteroids-refractoriness were related to two main concepts: persistence of inflammation despite the use of corticosteroid and recurrences above a dosage threshold. In terms of immunomodulatory therapy and biologic agents, we observed a great variety of definitions: persistence of inflammation, number of attacks, side effects or complications, symptoms, and best-corrected visual acuity. Conclusions: The results of this systematic review demonstrate the current lack of consensus on the definition for refractory uveitis, regardless of the treatment being used and revealed a new terminology based on a comprehensive and operational definition for each specific category of refractoriness.7 p.enResistantBiologicsConsensusDefinitionGlucocorticoidsImmunomodulatoryIntractableRefractoryUveitis treatmentDefinition of Uveitis Refractory to Treatment: A Systematic Review in the Absence of a ConsensusArticle