Calvo, AndrésValenzuela, AlfonsoMontenegro, DiegoReinares, Felipe2022-04-012022-04-012021Calvo, A., Valenzuela, A., Montenegro, D., & Reinares, F., (2021). Reparación del tendón del supraespinoso con técnica transósea equivalente en población sujeta a compensación laboral. ¿Cuál es el porcentaje de cicatrización?. Artroscopía, 28(1). the objective of this work was to evaluate the healing rate and functional results in a retrospective cohort of patients undergoing arthroscopic repair of the supraspinatus tendon, using a double row transosseous equivalent technique. Materials and methods: during the period from January 2015 to December 2017, an arthroscopic repair of the supraspinatus was performed on forty-eight patients, using a transosseous technique, by the same surgeon. We evaluated the healing rate by an ultrasound exam at the fourth month of evolution. Functional results were evaluated using the Constant-Murley scale (CS), subjective shoulder assessment (SSV) and the visual analog scale (VAS) to objectify the pain. For the statistical analysis, t-tests were used for paired samples. This cohort of patients is subject to workers compensation. Results: the ultrasound follow-up showed a 6% re-rupture rate. The average increase in the Constant scale was 55 points, the SSV had a mean increase of 55% and the VAS score decrease 6 points. All these changes were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Conclusions: the supraspinatus tendon repair, using an equivalent transosseous technique, improves the clinical and functional results of patients, objectified with the Constant-Murley and SSV scores. In our series we obtained a healing rate on 94% of the patientsesRotator CuffDouble RowSupraspinatusHealing RateReparación del tendón del supraespinoso con técnica transósea equivalente en población sujeta a compensación laboral. ¿Cuál es el porcentaje de cicatrización?Article