Moreira, Claudio2022-01-072022-01-072021Base, Diseño e Innovación, 2021, Vol.6, Nº5, pp.238-249 food consumption and production is at risk. The population is increasing, countries are developing, scenarios are changing, and the resulting uncertainty, forces the State to intensify its efforts to achieve the expected development and provide for its citizens. According to World Population Prospects, Departments of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations, the world population in 1990 was 5.3 billion inhabitants and in 2015 it had increased to 7.3 billion. Projections for 2030 are 8.5 billion inhabitants and for 2050 this figure rises to 9.7 billion. In 2100 the world population is expected to exceed 11.2 billion inhabitantsenSequíaSeguridad alimentariaCambio climáticoHuella hídricaLa sequía y sus consecuencias: un nuevo desafío a nivel local / Drought and its consequences: a new challenge at a local levelDrought and its consequences: a new challenge at a local levelArticle