Bofylatos, Spyros2024-11-142024-11-142024-11Bofylatos, S. (2024). Unleashing the Wild: Exploring Feral Design’s Power to Thrive in the Anthropocene . Base Diseño E Innovación, 9(10), 70–84. design aims to act as a transformative framework for design in the Anthropocene. This paper explores its potential to navigate the crises of modernity through a speculative deconstruction of three discrete case studies. Analysing said case studies of counter-culture movements’ operating at the fringes of the law reveals valuable insights into creativity, adaptability, and diffuse design capacity. The essence of feral design has been distilled into five principles, aiming to establish design methodologies. It calls for broader engagement from design researchers to expand the discourse and advance design practices in the Anthropocene. Feral design aims to act as a redirective practice that subverts modern design practice to enable its transition towards sustainment. By understanding the values embodied by different feral entities that respond to the collapse of traditional systems we can better understand how the principles of feral design can be embodied.15 p.enDiseño para la sostenibilidadAntropocenoDiseño salvajeLiberar lo salvaje: explorar el poder del diseño salvaje para prosperar en el Antropoceno / Unleashing the Wild Exploring Feral Design’s Power to Thrive in the AnthropoceneUnleashing the Wild Exploring Feral Design’s Power to Thrive in the AnthropoceneArticle