ROMERO-MEZA, RAFAELBONILLA, CLAUDIOHINICH, MELVIN J.BORQUEZ, RICARDO2021-10-202021-10-202010Macroeconomic Dynamics, 14 (Supplement 1), 2010, 42–58 use a new statistical test based on the signal coherence function to detect subtle periodicities in the Chilean exchange rate. We resort to a unique intraday data set that allows us to capture persistent cyclical movements during the day that challenge the random walk hypothesis. We provide a microstructural explanation for the observed behavior, and also look at the day-of-the-week effect for the Chilean peso and find that the different days of the week indeed have different behavior patterns. This is an important result for investment allocation and risk assessment.enForeign ExchangeMicrostructureEmerging EconomySignal CoherencePeriodicitiesINTRADAY PATTERNS IN EXCHANGE RATE OF RETURN OF THE CHILEAN PESO: NEW EVIDENCE FOR DAY-OF-THE-WEEK EFFECTArticle