KataixCubillos, Amalia2022-01-102022-01-102021Base, Diseño e Innovación, 2021, Vol.6, N°5, pp.182-185http://hdl.handle.net/11447/5388Embarked on uncertainty, every day nearly 60 million fishermen risk their lives in the ocean for their livelihoods. In fact, fishing is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world and, according to the FAO, every year 32 000 people die in this activity. Chile is no stranger to this reality: six fishermen a month die on our coasts as a result of this type of work. KATAIX Sea Airbag Project was developed for them. This product seeks to restore safety to those who daily live in these unstable conditions.enPescadoresKATAIX Sea AirbagMuerteSeguridadKATAIX: para convivir con la furia del mar / KATAIX: Living with the fury of the seaLiving with the fury of the seaArticle