Salazar, CésarJaime, MarcelaLeiva, MauricioGonzález, Nuria2025-03-032025-03-032024International Journal of Educational Development Volume 109, September 2024, 103106 education provides people with the information they need to understand the causes and consequences of environmental issues, helping to promote positive attitudes toward nature. This paper uses a multivalued treatment effects model to evaluate the effects of a green school certification program on children’s proenvironmental behavior in Chile. Pro-environmental behavior is measured by knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to the consumption and disposal of plastics. Results evidence a positive effect of schools’ higher certification level on children’s plastic waste behavior. This effect seems stronger in practices where children have more decision-making power (e.g., packing a lunch box). The observed reverse effect when switching from basic to intermediate level of certification is in line with the potential non-linear effects of environmental education on pro-environmental behavior regarding the consumption and disposal of plastic. To improve the design of the program, it is important to redefine incentives in the certification system to differentiate better the benefits of reaching each level of environmental certification10 p.enEnvironmental certificationPlastic waste pollutionSchool childrenEnvironmental education and children’s pro-environmental behavior on plastic waste: evidence from the green school certification program in Chileevidence from the green school certification program in ChileArticle