Juppet Ewing, FernandaEscudero Yáñez, Pablo Ignacio2022-11-182022-11-182020http://hdl.handle.net/11447/6694Tesis presentada a la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad del Desarrollo para optar al grado académico de Magíster en Derecho AmbientalThis thesis deals with Corporate Social Responsibility, interest groups and their implications in Chilean legislation, especially labor law. The discussion and speeches on the various social problems show that modern societies are increasingly aware of their rights and their power, demanding and influencing the social, labor and environmental conduct of companies according to the times and new expectations. In this way, citizens have gone from being third parties without influence to demanding supervisors of the actions carried out by companies in their territories, they are willing to collaborate with them, and in cases that demonstrate negligence in the management of externalities, they denounce for everything possible. channels, those inappropriate to the behavior that society, beyond the applicable legislation, considers morally acceptable in these times32 p.esResponsabilidad social empresarialGrupos de interésLegislaciónRSE y manejo de stakeholders, una perspectiva desde el DerechoThesis