Bravo, UrsulaBohemia, Erik2022-01-062022-01-062021Bravo, Úrsula ., & Bohemia, E. . (2021). Design Process Models as Metaphors in Education Context. FormAkademisk - Research Journal of Design and Design Education, 14(4). argue that visual representations of design processes contribute toward social and material practices of design(ing). They are used as didactic devices. We will discuss them using metaphors to illustrate that they are active material devices of which circulation, production and consumption are informed and informing perceived complexities, ambiguities and paradoxes associated with design. We propose a follow-up study to investigate how teachers and designers use and interpret visual design process models. The reason is to identify how these models are informing what design is as we are interested to understand how these models are contributing to the development of Design Literacies.enVisual representationsDesign educationDidactic imageDesign thinking modelsDesign process modelsDesign Process Models as Metaphors in Education ContextArticle