Figueroa, FranciscoSandoval, AlfredoFigueroa, David2022-01-172022-01-172021Figueroa F, Sandoval A, Figueroa D. Schenck's knee dislocation (KD) I injury: An uncommon pattern. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2021 Feb 18;16:230-232. doi: 10.1016/j.jcot.2021.01.021$002feor$002f6$002f8$002f2058-5241.6.200096.xml?t:ac=journals%24002feor%24002f6%24002f8%24002f2058-5241.6.200096.xmlSchenck's knee dislocation (KD) I is a very uncommon pattern of KD, where the knee presents with clinical or radiographic evidence of a KD with one of the ligaments of the central pivot preserved. The correlation between imaging and physical examination is of the highest importance to correctly classify this injury. Recently, there have been reports in the literature with large numbers of Schenk's KD I, however this is due to classifying multiligament knee injuries as if they all were KDs rather to an increase of the pattern. In this report the case of an 18-year old patient that sustained a KD with a preserved posterior cruciate ligament is presented.enDislocationKDIKneeMultiligamentSchenckSchenck's knee dislocation (KD) I injury: An uncommon patternArticle