Bedin, Lívia MaríaCastellá Sarriera, JorgeAlfaro Inzunza, Jaime2023-04-102023-04-102022Bedin, L.M., Sarriera, J.C. & Alfaro, J. Child Well-Being in Latin America: contributions to child indicators research. Child Ind Res 15, 375–382 (2022). Special Issue was compiled to advance an interdisciplinary understanding of the complexity of conceptualizations, determinants, consequences, and measurement of child well-being of children and adolescents fully devoted to Latin-American. It seeks to enhance by contributing with studies on socioeconomic determinants and access to material goods, as well as regarding the conditions of urban life, the school, the neighbourhood, including personal aspects, while considering contributions in instrumental resources for research. This is an important step forward for the well-being researchers in a region of the world that still needs a lot of new scientifc knowledge, and where many new actions should be undertaken to improve children and adolescent’s well-being. We hope that as a result of this special issue, the scientifc research in this feld will increase in Latin America.8 p.enChild well-beingLatin AmericaChild Well-Being in Latin America: contributions to child indicators researchArticle