Ferrada, Ximena

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  • Publication
    Review Breaking Down Barriers: Findings from a Literature Review on Housing for People with Disabilities in Latin America
    (2023) Valderrama-Ulloa, Claudia; Ferrada, Ximena; Herrera, Felipe
    Accessibility to housing is crucial for people with disabilities as it provides them with equal opportunities and allows them to live independently. A systematic literature review has been conducted to understand the current research on accessibility in housing for people with disabilities in Latin America. The study analysed 56 papers and used co-word analysis to identify common themes and topics within the documents. The results of the analysis showed that Brazil (61%) is the country with the most research on the subject, physical disability, at 36%, is the impairment most analysed, and interventions or analysis for the older people (45%) in their homes is the most researched type of population. The co-word analysis revealed that topics such as policy, regulations, the use of technologies, ergonomics interventions, and architectural criteria or barriers to the daily life of disabled people were frequently discussed in the papers. Although this work shows a substantial and growing increase in research on housing for people with disabilities in Latin America, it also demonstrates the importance of increasing research on other types of impairment, such as visual and cognitive-intellectual disabilities, and including children, caregivers, or even young adults.
  • Publication
    A tool for universal accessibility assessment in the interior of dwellings
    (2023) Valderrama-Ulloa, Claudia; Ferrada, Ximena; Rouault, Fabien
    The present study proposes a tool for assessing universal accessibility in the interior of apartments, presenting a novel quantitative model for assessing the accessibility of buildings for buyers or tenants. For this, a multicriteria analysis for aggregating the assessment indicators with different units and scales is employed using a unique grade of accessibility according to four main pillars: Autonomy, Mobility, Comfort, and Safety. The assessment method has been applied in 35 show apartments in the urban area of Santiago in Chile. This work shows the application and results of 4 departments. The evaluation results are presented visually with a circular bar plot and a final grade in letter format from F to A. In general, it is observed that the four apartments proposed have a low degree of accessibility (letters F to D). And, the Autonomy pillar is clearly the lowest pillar in the selected apartments.
  • Publication
    Análisis técnico sobre protecciones provisionales de borde para prevenir riesgos de caídas en trabajos en altura en la construcción: el caso de Chile
    (2023) Valderrama-Ulloa, Claudia; Ferrada, Ximena; Serpell, Alfredo; Cabello, María José
    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es presentar un análisis técnico de los distintos sistemas de protección de borde (barandas) y aportar al desarrollo de normativa sobre su uso en Chile. La metodología incluye una amplia revisión bibliográfica nacional e internacional para describir el contexto del uso de barandas. Se realiza un levantamiento de información en terreno para describir los principales problemas de uso de estos sistemas, tales como ritmo de avance del proyecto, singularidad de aspectos geométricos y arquitectónicos, requisitos estructurales y uso de soluciones artesanales. Se realizan 16 entrevistas semi-estructuradas a profesionales de la construcción y de empresas proveedoras nacionales para describir las distintas necesidades respecto a temas técnicos en el uso de barandas, destacándose aspectos como calidad de la información, trazabilidad, homologación y estandarización de productos. En conclusión, este estudio contribuye a especificar los criterios necesarios a aplicar en la industria de la construcción para promover el uso adecuado de protecciones de bordes para evitar caídas.